21. Turtleboy

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Peter and I have been hanging out a lot lately not talking about the almost kissing insident, but I can live with that. For now.

"Hurry up I don't wanna be late." I tell Peter while he is still putting some books in his bag. "You wanted to wait with this project and pull an allnighter not me." He devends himself. "Ye ye, turtleboy." I smirk. He gives me a fast look and continous to put the last book in even slower. "Ugh, lets go." I sigh. "Ye, ye turbo." Peter smirks and swings his backpack on his back. "Hold on...turtleboy."

We arrive at school and walk trough the hallway to our first class. Right when we sit down the class begins. "Right on time." Peter sighs. I give him a dead stare for a view seconds. "So Ned how was your weekend?" I then ask Ned who is sitting in front of us. "Owh great, I went to a lego convention. It was crazy." He says exitedly. "Nice, sounds fun." I smile.

The time has come. History class has begun. "Here you give it to her." I push the papers in Peters hands. He walks up to the teacher and hands her our project. I see her scanning trough it and nodding slightly. After a while Peter comes back. "We did good." He smirks. "Told you, a good allnighter and a lot of energy drinks solve everything. And a bit of FRIDAY ofcourse." We highfive silently.

We're roming around the streets of queens when I hear an explosion in the distance. "Shit, look." Peter exclaims. I look over and see where the sound came from. "Hurry." I fly towards it. Peter following behind swinging as fast as he can. I fly in and get people out as fast as I can. I see peter entering the building as well. "Peter get out, you're not fire proof!" I yell trough my comms. Getting more people out. "I need to help you." He yells back. "No, Peter it's to dangerous." I exclaim worriedly. Peter doesn't respond damnit. A part of the building collapsed I was just quick enough to get the last woman off the floor. I get her on the street and fly back in. "Peter the building is clear, where are you!?" No answer. I wait a moment in complete silence.

"The building is not clear yet. Come to the 4th floor west wing." Peter finally responds. I rush there and see a group of people. I fly each of them out as fast as I can. As does Peter who puts them on a string of webs and lets them down slowly. When we're all on the ground I go in one last time to check for people. I start at the top the 7th floor, 6th, 5th, 4th, 3th and then I hear a female scream. I fly towards her but just as I was about to grab her a huge pilar falls down. Crushing the woman. "No." I whisper. "No, no, no, no, no." I breath heavilly. "Omg." Reality hits me and I rush towards her to lift the pillar off of the woman. I search for a pulse but feel nothing. "I am so sorry." I whisper. I pick her up and fly out of the building towards the paramedics. I shake my head as a no. And put her an a strech bed.

I turn around slowly to Peter who was waiting for me. I fly towards him. And fall in his arms. "I could'nt save her. I just, I...I clould'nt." I stutter in his chest. "Its okay, you saved so many other people. You did the best you could have done." We stay there silently. "Lets get you home." He says. "Yeah" I say quietly and ascend slowly.

Once we're at the compound, my head is getting a little more straight. I look at Peter. "Pete, you're burned up." I scan the rest of his body quickly his suit is a little scraped. "C'mon" we sit down in the common room and I grab an emergency kit. I blow some cold air on the spot on peters face thats burned a little. "That should help a little." I smile weakly. "Take that off." I point to his chest and peter takes the top part of his suit down. I look at his abs for a second "you like that?" Peter asks playfully. "Shut up." I smirk and hit him with the back of my hand before starting to clean some burned wounds.

Once Peter is all fixed up we just sit in the commonroom doing absolutely nothing. I am just in a state right now where I can't do anything. Peter puts his arm around me and I look at him. A tear leaves my eyes. "It's okay." Peter says softly. I put my face in his chest. "Its not." I mumble. With one hand Peter lifts my face up. "Look at me." Peter starts, I do as he says. "You did the best you could do, you can't always save everyone." I don't know what to say for a minute. "I know, but this was my responsibility and I could have saved her if I had known she was there earlier." Peter sighs. "It wasn't your responsibility, just try to stop worrying. Okay?" "Okay." I just look at Peter. At his eyes, his lips. I can't help it. We both lean in and for the first time ever our lips meet. A tear still on my cheek. Passionately we kiss and then break apart to take a breath. "I have been wanting to do that for a while now." Peter says. "Yeah, me too." I whisper. He smiles, I lay down and we cuddle so I fall asleep in his arms on the couch. Where everyone can see us.

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