2. Off to Austria

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I wake up to see it's already 10 a.m. so I roll out of my ginormous bed and sit on the floor for just a few seconds. I rub my eyes and sigh. I put my hair down and look in the mirror, and it looks fine to me. Today we're going to sign that damn contract, and then we can't go out and do whatever we want whenever we want anymore. At least some of us are. I walk into the kitchen and make a cup of coffee "Dad" I scream through the apartment. No response, so I get into the elevator towards the 4th flour and search for him there. I find some Avengers  including my dad around a table.

"Hi, Addy. You just rolled out of bed didn't you?" Steve greets me. I look down at my pajamas. "Yeah, Hi, guys." I get a couple of good mornings and ask what they are discussing. "We're just sorting things out." My father says. "Right, did you tell school I'm 'sick' today?" I ask Dad. "Yes, I did. Okay everyone get dressed we're leaving in twenty." My father orders. I wanna walk away, when I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Not you." My father says. I look at him in confusion. "You just gotta suit up, we're not revealing your identity yet." I nod "right." My father walks away. Steve and Sam are still there. I walk back up to them. "So I guess you guys aren't signing anything. Am I right?" I ask. "Yeah you're right." Steve says. I look at them. "I mean...I understand, I don't want to sign either but I have to." Sam looks at me not understanding. "You don't have to, if you don't want to you can just not go." He says. "Yeah but, then if I wanna fight someone I can get prosecuted and I don't want that." Steve looks at me with sympathy. "I understand and it's completely your choice as long as you know that." I hug both of them. "I know that." I say and walk off. "See you guys later." I fly towards the elevator and go back up. I immediately go to my room and text Justin.

Hey Jus, I have some things on my head and I can't really tell you about it but can you just come by tomorrow after dinner. I want a hug.

Yeah, of course babe. I'll be there around 8.

Okay that's settled. I suit up and put my mask on. I push the small button on the side and watch my face in the mirror as it slowly stretches out. I watch my nose grow a little and see my hair turn brown. I really don't like the person behind this mask. It's just not me. It's not Addison Stark and I don't want that face to be super girl, but I can't change it. So I just have to live with it. I put on my dark red lipstick and a little bit of highlighter. Thats a bit better.
I go down stairs where I see: my father, Vision, Rhodes and Natasha. "Okay I'm ready." I say and join them. "Are you flying with us or are you going alone." My father asks. "We are going to Vienna, Austria . I am 15 dad. No I'm not flying myself that's really far." I explain. "Okay, than let's go." We get into a car that will ride us towards the airport.

After a long time on that stupid plane, we finally arrive in Austria. "Dad is there navigation on my watch?" I ask. "Yes, here." He puts the app on my watch and fills in the address we need to go to. "Okay, I'm done sitting in cars and on planes, so I'll meet you guys there." I say as I look at my watch one more time, to be sure it works and I won't get lost in frickin Austria or Germany cause that's really close to where we are right now. "That's fine." My dad says. "Be safe." Nat says. "I will, vision you coming with me?" I ask. "No, I am going to ride with them." "Okay. Bye." I say and then fly off. In not even 5 minutes I arrive at a tall building and wait in front of it till the others arrive.
A girl walks op to me "Hallo, Du bist Supergirl. Ich liebe dich." She says. "Luckily, I understand german quite well. "Yes, I am, and I love you too." I smile at her. "Hug?" I ask her. She nods and hugs me. Cute. "Ilse kommst du?" A woman asks. The girl turns on her heals. "Jaa!!" She yells back at I think her mom. She waves and walks off. Sweet girl. I think to myself when a big black car pulls up in front of me. I see my fellow Americans getting out of the vehicle and wave at them. They walk up to me, and my dad pets my shoulder lightly to follow them in.
We walk silently up to a man in a suit. "Follow me." The male says. We do as he says and follow him into an elevator. I start feeling a little uneasy and look at Nat, she is just staring at the blue wall of the elevator. I poke her on the shoulder. "Do you have a bad feeling about this too?" I ask her whispering. She looks me in the eyes and nods a yes. I breathe in deeply, my father looks at me with an unsettled look on his face. "You alright supergirl?" He asks. "Yes, I'm fine." I say, I can see my father doesn't believe me, but I can also see the man in the suit looking at me. The elevator doors open and we walk out following the man. My Dad comes walking next to me and looks at me again. "It doesn't feel right." I whisper as silent as I can. "I can feel it too...in my gut." He whispers back.

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