19. Coulson from the old S.H.I.E.L.D.

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It's been a while, my skin has fully recovered and I feel much better. Peter and I have been training a lot, I want him to become a better fighter than Clint. I don't know if I can make him that good, but I'm trying.

I'm sitting in class waiting for the buzzer to go off, I just want to go out and fly, high. I'm thinking about cap and sam when the buzzer goes and brings me back to reality. I almost run out off the classroom and rush towards my locker to grab my last books. Peter is there. "Hey, do you wanna come with me? I'm going to sit on a roof and float a little there." I say. "Sure why not." Peter says. We go outside and walk towards a small alleyway where we both suit up, I see peter struggle a bit his suit won't tighten. "Here, let me see." I move a few wires in his logo and whoop, the suit is on. "I didn't know you do tech." He says surprised. "You didn't? I mean my dad is quite an engineer so I thought it makes sense right?" Peter nods. "Yes." "Lets go, try to keep up." I smile. And fly off with the speed of light. Peter follows by swinging up, he's just not as fast as me.

We've only been sitting on a roof for 5 minutes when someone calls me on my watch. It has no caller ID. I pick up though and wait for someone on the other side off the line to say something. "Hello, is this Supergirl?" The person says. "Uhm, yeah. Thats me." I wait for a second. "How did you get my number?" I ask. "Because I remembered it you're speaking with agent Coulson." My brain doesn't know how to process that for a second. "I'm sorry, agent Coulson is dead." I speak. "No, I'm not, anymore." He says. "But I need to make this quick. My team and I are after an 0-8-4 you remember what that is?" I don't have to think about it. "Yes, object with unknown origin." I speak. "We have the first one ever on our radar, but its in the hand off a real dangerous man. I can't give you more intel over the phone can you meet me up states, I'll send you the coördinates." Coulson speaks. "Sure. Can spider man join." I speak. "Yes." "Then we'll be on our way." I smile. I hang up my watch. "Are You ready for the real deal Pete." I smirk.

I call my dad telling him that I will be staying at peters for the day and then we take off. Peter is holding on tight to me. We're going fast. Within minutes we are at the right coördinates, still in the air. The back of "the bus" opens and we walk in being greeted by Coulson and his team. I recognize a few faces, there is a lot of agents that I know but some here are new. I walk towards Coulson and the woman I remember as agent May closes the door. "Welcome on the bus Supergirl and Spiderman." I smile. "Oh drop it coulson." I push the button on my mask and turn back into Addy. I walk towards Coulson and hug him. "They told us you died, I was devastated." I say and look at him. "I was dead, but in some weird way they brought me back. I'm okay now" "good cause I rather have my favorite agent alive." I hear a woman clear her troath behind me so I turn around. "I mean,  yeah Romanoff gets that title. Your right May." I smirk. She hits my shoulder. "I should say, I've been using all of your tactics and I think it made me pretty good at kicking ass." I smile. "And this is my friend, Spider-Man." I push Peter in front off me. He pulls off his mask. "You can call me peter." He says. Coulson goes to shake his hand. "Should we get down to business?" Coulson starts.

"So his name is Carl Creel. And he has the obelisk." Coulson explains. The woman called Jemma Simmons proceeds. "To say the easy way, his skin turns into what he touches. So if he touches metal his skin will become metal." I nod. "And the Obelisk? What is that exactly?" I ask. "Thats the first 0-8-4, when someone touches it it turns them into well some sort of stone." Coulson says. "So don't touch that, got it." Peter speaks. I smirk. "Yeah let's avoid touching it." I say. "Where is the man supposed to be?" I then ask. "In a small town beneath us. We'll get down as soon as we have a plan." Coulson says.

Me and Peter are hiding in an alleyway, our job is to get the obelisk on the street so the girl called Sky can grab it and we need to get this man on the ground so we can turn him in. Sounds easy right. I see Carl Creel walking on the street. "I have eyes on him, am I clear to go?" I ask trough my comms. "Positive." Coulson speaks in my ear. I fly out and hit the guy in his face so he falls backwards. "Hello." I wave. He turns into the same material as the streets and try's to hit me but peter grabs his fist with a web. The mans hand turns into a web and he punches me in my face, didn't see that coming. The man turns into metal. "Shit." I whisper. "Spidey Don't do anything." I speak trough the comms. I fly onto the guy. "Where is the obelisk?" I yell at him while knocking him to the floor. "Not giving it to you." He says. He hits me but I hit back and hold him by his backpack lifting him up in the air. "Where is it?" I ask again. "I will drop you." I warn him. "Its in the backpack isn't it?" I smirk. "It is." I hear the Fitz guy say in my ear. I drop Carl and hold onto the backpack. "Skye catch." I say and fly to drop the bag at her feet and get back to carl within seconds. Peter has him webbed to the floor and I knock him out by hitting him right in the face. "Good job, Spidey." I smirk.

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