18. Get me out!

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I don't know how long I've been here, but I guess for a while now. I notice each time the woman comes and blasts a cloud of kryptonite on me I get weaker. I'm scared. Scared that it will kill me. And my dad always told me "a part of the journey is the end." But it's scary. Horrifying. I can barely stand on my feet. The big mirror turns into a window and tears already start flowing down. "We're going to try this again." The woman says. "Tell us, where is Steve or Wanda or barnes or Vision." I take a breath. "I don't...know." I say quietly. Green smoke comes out of the floor. I take a deep breath. Biting my cheeks, it burns and cuts my skin. I feel like each time it hurts more and it hurts less. I'm getting used to it but it makes me so much weaker. The woman walks away and I see myself again in the mirror. I try to stand up but fall down on my knees. There I am crying on my knees on the floor. When I hear a loud crash and yelling. I look up. But I only see myself. "Hey!" I yell. "Get me out!" I continue. And then a part of the ceiling comes crashing down.

Its my father Iron man. I brush my hair out of my sweaty bloody face "Addison." My dad comes running towards me and puts a hand on my shoulder "Get up, come on lets go." My dad says. "I can't." I whisper. My dad reacts by picking me up and flying out trough the ceiling. "Are you okay?" My dad asks. "No." I cry. Once we're outside my dad puts me down and gets out of his suit for a better hug. I cry into his chest. "It burns." I whisper, "I know." My dad whispers back as he brushes his fingers trough my hair. "Lets go home." He says and picks me up to walk further and set me down in a car. We drive home, at home I immediately fall down on the couch where Pepper comes and hugs me tight. "What were they doing. What did they want?" My dad asks. I just cry. "You have to tell me Addy." He insists kindly. I take a deep breath. "They wanted me to tell them where Steve is or where Wanda is or barnes or Sam. But I don't know so I couldn't answer. And that... that made them angry. They had a kryptonite steamer or something in the floor. And it hurt...so much." I cry. Pepper hugs me again. "If I had known where they are, I don't know, maybe I would have told them. It was unbearable." My dad looks at me. "I understand." He says. "Go take a nice bath and go to sleep early, you need to rest." Pepper says and brushes her fingers trough my hair. I nod and get up slowly. Everything goes black for a second and then I walk to the bathroom slowly to take a hot bath.

Its 3 A.M. and I wake up every 20 minutes sweating and crying. There are still hundreds of little cuts on my body that won't heal as fast as they should. I cant help it and just keep crying. I don't wanna wake my father up or Pepper so I call Peter. "Addy? It's 3 A.M. why are you calling? Are you okay?" He asks. "Can you...come over?" I ask. "Uhm, yeah I think I can. Why?" I think for a second what to say. "I need you." I then speak. Its silent for a second. "I'm on my way." Peter says and hangs up the phone. I open my window and sit back down on my bed.

Not even 5 minutes later Peter swings in and closes the window. He turns to face me. "Oh my god. Addy, what happened to you?" Peter asks in shock. He sits down on the side of my bed. "These... horrible people, they hurt me...almost killed me." I cry. Peter shakes his head. "Please hold me?" I ask. Peter comes into my bed and puts his warm arms around me. I put my face against his chest. It feels safe. Peter brushes my back and I let my last tears roll down.
I almost fall asleep when I feel Peter move "no. Stay." I say. "Okay." He says and hugs me tighter.

The next morning I wake up by the bed wiggling a little bit. I look up and see peter walking towards the window. "Are you leaving?" I ask with a raspy voice. "I'm going to get some breakfast." He says. I smile at him "okay." I answer. He thens swings out and I just stay in bed. I brush over the small cuts on my left arm and see that they're fading a little. I hear my door open and look up, it's dad. "Good morning, how did you sleep?" My dad asks. "Uhm well at first not, and then I called Peter and then I fell asleep." My dad looks at me for a second. "Did he come over, or?" "Yeah. He's getting breakfast now." "Oh, okay, is there anything you need?" My dad asks. "Nah, I'm good." I answer, my dad nods and then he walks out.

A little while later Peter swings back in with breakfast. He got us pancakes. "You're my hero." I smile. We sit and eat for a little while. "Are you going to school tomorrow, cause I think you shouldn't." Peter starts. "Uhm, no. I don't think its a good idea either. I mean...how would I explain hundreds of little cuts." I say. "You can't." I sigh. And stop eating. "I'm full and exhausted." "You should lay back down, your body is probably using all off its energy to heal the wounds." Peter says. "But, I'm leaving now, I'm going to make a round trough the city and check up on May." He continues. I lay down. "Yeah thats a good idea." I say. "When you need me, call me. I'll see you later." Peter says. "Yes I will." I say and peter walks out trough the door. I can hear my dads voice. I just don't know what he's saying. And I don't have The energy to focus on it.

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