17. Why am I here?

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Its been a week since the surgery and I'm flying home from school. I just float in the air above central park for a second when I hear a hissing sound coming up. Before I can even look around I feel a sharp pain trough my entire body. I start falling  a green cloud is hanging where I was just floating. But now, I'm falling. Before I hit the ground I'm already passed out because of the pain.

I wake up and all I see is white every where I look. I still feel a bit of the pain trough my body. Once I'm getting more aware of my surroundings, I start panicking a little. I'm in a room all white everything in it is white. I see a door and walk towards it, I slowly open the door ready to attack. But its just a small bathroom. I walk back into the white room and now realize that one big wall is a mirror and that I'm not wearing what I was wearing. My shoes are gone and I'm in a white bodysuit. What is this?

Out of know where the mirror turns into a big window. I see three men and a woman standing behind it. I can break glass, are they stupid? I walk towards the window slowly. "I would stop there if I were you" a men says. I stop walking. "And why should I do that?" I ask. "If you cross that line this will happen." The women says and pushes a button on her I pad. Green smoke comes out of a line in the floor. I start walking backwards. My skin starts burning and glowing green. It hurts already. I step onto the bed getting away from the smoke. "Why am I here?" I ask. "Because we need answers." Another man says. I stay silent. "Where is steve rogers?" The man says. "I don't know." The women sighs. "This will be easier if you just tell us Addison." She says. "I don't know." I repeat. "Bullsh*t." One of the men says. The women pushes the button again and green smoke comes out of the floor but this time its a lot more. "I don't know." I yell. The smoke comes on the bed and the kryptonite cuts my skin open. I scream bloody murder. It hurts so bad. "Stop." I scream. The smoke goes away. My skin turns back to its normal color but with a lot off small cuts. I breath heavily. "Well try again later." The woman says. The window turns back into a mirror. I cry for a while, still in pain. I walk towards the small bathroom and turn on the small fountain. I pour the water on my face and sit down on the floor. "They can't see me here." I whisper to myself and keep on breathing.

After what feels like hours I get up and walk back into the big room. I sit down on the bed with my back against the wall. I stare at my hands when I see the mirror turning into a window. One of the men and the women are standing there. I look at them, giving them a death glare. "Where is Captain America?" The men asks. I stay silent. "Okay, where is Scarlet Witch?" The men asks. I just look at them. I watch the woman grab her I Pad. "Wait." I speak. They both look at me. "They wouldn't tell me where they are. But I can guess." I say. The woman sighs. "Just tell us where they are already." She says. "Maybe they are on Azgard." I say. Wow I'm very creative today. The woman pushes the button on her I pad and green smoke comes out of the floor. "I don't know where they are. Okay?" I exclaim, fear in my voice. "Just let me out." I yell. I then remember I can fly and I mean its worth a shot. I stand up and prepare myself to fly trough the glass. I ascend end wait a second to then storm off to the glass. But I just bump into it there is not even a scratch. My skin is now burning and I can feel Kryptonite barging trough my skin. "You don't have to try that again. This glass is made to hold much stronger entities then you. It won't ever break." The man says. I just cry. "Let me out!" I yell. And hit the glass. The smoke is now gone, "please." I cry. "It hurts." I sit down on the floor. "Just tell us where they are." The woman says. "I don't know where they are." I exclaim. Green smoke comes back up. "No no no." My skin glows up and I scream bloody murder again out of pain. "This will kill me." I whisper. "I know." The man says. I cry my last tears and crash down on the bed.

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