20. A ruined moment

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We're back on "the bus" so you know on the plane. Time to catch up.

"I mean yeah, I heard rumors about a shield team that now is the only thing left of shield but I didn't expect it to be you." I tell Coulson, "well it turned out great. didn't it?" He states. "Yes it did." I nod. "Let me show you the lab." He says we get up and walk trough 'the bus' to the lab. Where Fitz and Simmons are. I see a few big screens, on one of them a man in a cell. Locked up. I start to recognize him as the man who trained me to do solo missions. Grant Ward. "Is that..." i get cut off by Fitz. "Agent Ward? Yes." "Why is he locked up?" I ask. "He is HYDRA." Coulson says. "What?!" Disbelieve in my voice. "He worked for a man that was Hydra, thinks he owes the man everything." I just stare at the screen. "Now that man is dead and he is locked up. Its karma." Fitz says sounding really mad. "Can I get to him?" I ask. "Follow me." Skye says as she walks up behind us. I nod and follow her down a pair of stairs. I look Ward in the eye he gets up slowly. "Addison." He starts, "Why?" I ask him. A short silence follows  "No wait, I don't wanna hear it. Thanks for the training it has helped me out a lot, and also...I'm disappointed." I state. Ward opens his mouth to say something but then closes it again. "I know what you did to these people, I hope you burn in hell." I say a small voice crack coming trough, turning around and walking away. Once we're upstairs again, Peter, Coulson and I sit down.

We got caught up, but Peter and I are leaving now. "It was nice meeting you, I'll see you again sometime." I say to skye. "Yeah, we'll call you when we need a hand." We hug for a second. "May, Coulson, it was nice seeing you again. I'm sorry about, what Ward did." I hug Coulson. "We'll call." Coulson says. I nod a yes. "Fits-Simmons I'll see you again sometime." I smile. When Peter is done saying goodbye I grab his hand. May opens de back door of the plane. "We're above New york now. So you'll land close to home." I smile at May "copy that." I say. I push the button on my mask and peter puts his on. "Don't let go." I warn Peter. "I won't." He smiles. I fly out the back off the plane towards the compound. We land right in front of it. "We'll that was fun." I state. "Yeah." Peter chuckles. "Lets go trough queens for a little bit and then go chill somewhere, eat something maybe." Peter says. "Sounds good."

Peter and I are sitting at a table in a small asian restaurant, the food is great. "Peter, are you okay?" I ask worriedly. I have been observing him all evening, something seems off. "Uhm, ye yeah. I'm great. Today was fun." He stutters. "It was." I look him in the eyes. "Are you sure, that you're great?" I ask still suspicious. "I just, got stuff...on my mind." He spills. "Like what?" I ask curiously. "Nothing important." He says. I just nod, not satisfied with my answer yet.
I then hear something crashing outside loud, my head snaps in the direction of the noise. People start screaming. "Come on." I say and sprint outside, Peter following closely. It's Carl Creel again. Damn it. "How the hell did he get out of custody?" I ask. "I have no idea." Peter says. I push the button on my ring and suit up so does Peter. "Lets go." Peter smirks.

"Hey!" Peter yells at Creel. "What are you doing here?" I ask him. "None of your business, where is the man named Carson?!" He yells at us. "We don't know who that is, but you're hurting and scaring people so calm down." I try to stay calm, but Creel isn't. "Noo!" He yells. And comes running for Peter turning into metal by touching a car. He hits Peter in the face. I flinch. Peter gets up and knocks Creels head on the pavement with one of his webs. I smile proud and fly towards the situation. Creel gets up, I fire my laser eyes at him. He quickly turns into rubber. Peter hits him. But Creel kicks him to the ground. "Stop hurting him." I whisper. I hit him in the face. He touches another car and hits me back. Hard. And again and again. I kick him back and peter webs him to the ground. When he's metal I can't knock him out. He needs to be himself. I shoot lasers out of my eyes again. His metal skins turns into his real skin by melting it. I stop and peter knocks him out.

After we're sure Creel is locked up, Peter and I get up on a roof. We're looking at the stars. I look at Peters face. There is a big bruise on it and a small cut. "Does it hurt?" I ask quietly. "A little." I brush over it softly. "May I?" I ask formally. He nods. I blow a little ice on the cut. It freezes shut. "Thats better, thanks." He says. I just stare into his eyes. I can't help it. I look at his lips for a second and then back at his eyes where he meets mine. My heart is beating out of my chest. I tilt my head a little and move closer, Peter does the same. We are inches apart. Lips almost connected, when my phone starts ringing. I pull back and pick up the phone. "Are you coming home?" The man on the other side of the line asks. "Now?" I ask. "That would be nice." My father says. "I'm on my way." I sigh and hang up. "Sorry, I...I have to go." I apologize. "Yeah, thats okay." Peter says. I get up and fly off. Leaving Peter alone on the roof underneath the stars.

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