Part 5

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I woke disoriented and panting on the couch, my mind grasping at the details of the dream I had just had, willing it to come back to me. I didn't want to wake up from my dream of a very sexy and passionate orange haired man doing unspeakably dirty and pleasurable things to me. I could feel my cheeks heat up just thinking about it. 

"You talk in your sleep." 

The man's voice jolted me from my thoughts. Who was in my apartment? 

Our eyes met. Jimin. 

Everything from the night before came rushing back to me. The cat, Not-Stanley. Kronos Tech. Human's turning into animals. Jimin. 

The orange haired man from my dream, also Jimin. 

"Sorry." I muttered getting up from the couch with a stretch. 

"It sounded like a good one," he said with a cheeky grin. 

I shot him a glare and folded the blanket that had been drapped over me. 

"What was it about?" He asked, his voice sickeningly sweet. 

"I don't remember."

"You kept saying 'Oh Jimin' and 'Jimin don't stop.'" His grin spread wider, turning almost predatory. "What was I doing that you didn't want me to stop?"

"Fuck me." I muttered under my breath, exasperated. Bastard

"Sounds like I already did." 

"Shut up!" I tossed the folded blanket onto the couch and walked into the kitchen. Jimin following close behind.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm flattered."

"Shut up."

"But I think the timing is off."He opened the fridge and began pulling things out.

"Shut up." I filled up a glass with water to take my morning meds.

"Maybe once things settle down-"

"Jimin! Stop!" 

He gave me an innocent look. "What? It's not like I'm not interested. It's just the timing isn't ideal."

I choked while swallowing my medication. Seriously? This guy! 

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked while patting my back. 

"I'm fine." I cleared my throat a few times and took another sip of water. 

Jimin set to work scrambling eggs and making toast. I watched, still unnerved by the fact that he seemed to know where everything was located in my kitchen. I probably shouldn't have fallen asleep. 

"So, while you were moaning my name in your sleep, I got an idea." Even though Jimin was facing away from me, I could hear his smile as he spoke. 


"Yeah, I checked my roommate's Facebook page on your computer-"

"You what?!"

He glanced at me over his shoulder, "Don't worry, I used an incognito window."

I let out a small sigh of relief. What if Kronos was tracking the IP addresses visiting social media pages of Jimin's known associates? If they were able to turn people into animals, anything was possible. 

"Anyway, I have been missing a little longer than I thought, and Yoongi put some of my clothes up on the Facebook Marketplace. He's probably trying to cover my part of the rent. Based on some of his Twitter posts, he's pretty pissed at me."

"He's selling your clothes?"

"Yeah. I was at Kronos for about six weeks and missed two rent payments. Yoongi's a grad student, too, so it's not like he has a lot of cash to cover my half of the rent two months in a row." 

The toast popped up startling both of us. 

"It looks like Kronos hacked my Twitter and has been updating for me. Apparently, I have decided to abandon my studies and travel around the US." 

"And your friends believed that? Does that sound like something you would do?"

Jimin divided the scrambled eggs onto two plates, and turned off the burner. He motioned me toward the table, before grabbing two forks. 

"I don't think it sounds like me. I've never done anything like that before." Jimin frowned, "But it looks like Yoongi believes it." 

We ate our toast and scrambled eggs in silence. When we were both finished Jimin cleared the table. 

"So, I was thinking you could contact Yoongi and say you're interested in buying some of my clothes."

I hesitated, "Okay." Buying other people's clothes off of Facebook just seemed weird even if they weren't for me. 

"So once you're inside my apartment, you'll just need to keep Yoongi busy for a few minutes. Ask him about the piano."

"You want me to go to your apartment under the guise of buying your clothes and talk to your roommate about piano to distract him?"

"Yes." Jimin looked like me as if I was simple, not being able to follow along with his genius plan.  

"Why am I distracting him?"

"You're distracting him so I can get into the fire safe in my closet. I have some cash in there and my passport." 

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Jimin, you can't go. What if someone is watching your apartment?"

Jimin took a few steps toward me, just close enough to invade my bubble of personal space. "Y/n, how do you feel about carrying a squirrel in your purse?" 

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