Part 19

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"Do either of you want something to drink?" I asked, making my way to the kitchen. "I have water, Diet Coke, and whiskey." 

"Do you have ice?" Yoongi asked. "I'll take some whiskey with ice." 

"One whiskey on the rocks. Jimin?" 

I heard someone stand up from the couch and glanced over to see Jimin walk into the kitchen. He grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and turned on the faucet. 

Leaning in close to my ear, Jimin whispered, "You're taking this a lot better than I thought you would. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

I turned and gave him a smile before placing my hand on the back of his head and tilting his ear to my lips. "I ran out of fucks this morning. I have nothing left to give." I pressed a quick peck in the hair above Jimin's ear, and let go of his head with a light push.

I poured two fingers of whiskey for Yoongi, and added ice cubes. For myself, I made a whiskey with a splash of Diet Coke for color. Grabbing both drinks, I walked back into the living room, and sat down next to Yoongi who appeared to be back to normal. Jimin was still standing in the kitchen where I left him, stunned, his glass overflowing with water from the tap. 

"Hyung," Jimin peaked around the wall separating the kitchen from the living room, and waited for Yoongi to look at him. "I think we broke her. Maybe it's time for a break?"

Yoongi's head swiveled to assess my current state of being. 

"I'm fine, Jimin." I sighed and motioned for him to sit next to me. "Have you ever had so many things go wrong that it eventually no longer effects you, and you just have to smile and go with the flow? That's where I'm at." 

Jimin slowly shook his head, indicating he had no idea what I was talking about. Lucky bastard. 

Yoongi chuckled. "Oh? You ran out of shits to give?"

I nodded, "About eight hours ago." 

"Been there." 

I downed my drink. The whiskey burned my throat causing me to choke a little. It was a bold but stupid move on my part. 

Standing up, I walked over to my computer, spun my desk chair around, and wheeled it in front of the couch. 

Taking a seat, I cleared my throat and rasped out, "After you find Taehyung and Jungkook, how are you getting them out of Kronos?"

Jimin handed me his glass of water, and I took it gratefully. 

"I will signal to you when I have them, then you will let Hoseok and Namjoon know. They will create a distraction. Jin will back them up if needed. You will keep monitoring the cameras, and Jimin will give us directions to get out." Yoongi took a sip of his drink and nodded. 

I let his words sink in for a minute, and tried to visualize the plan. 

"The actual escaping part of the plan seems a little flimsy." 

"It's a basic extraction." Jimin said in a reassuring tone.

"We've done it before." Yoongi shrugged. 

"Hearing you say that doesn't make me feel better."

Yoongi's brow furrowed. "That we've done it before?"

"Yeah. That's not as reassuring as you think." 

"Isn't it good that we've done this before? We have a better idea of what to expect."

"Normal people have never done a 'basic extraction.'" I said, mocking Jimin a little, and rolling my eyes. 

Both men nodded in agreement. 

"Normal people can't turn into animals either, so..." Jimin trailed off. "Yeah." 

He was right. "Fair point," I relented. "Okay, what-"

My question was cut shot by the ringing of the door bell. I jumped up from my chair, the force causing it to spin a little. 

I quickly looked through the peephole before opening the door. 

"Namjoon! Come in." I stepped aside to allow him entrance. "How do you know where I live?"

"You're Hoseok's neighbor. I've been to his place before." He raised an eyebrow at me and proceeded to take off his shoes. "I see Yoongi's here." He gestured to the shoes already sitting near the door. 

"Yes. Would you like something to drink? I have water, Diet Coke, and whiskey." 

Placing his shoes next to Yoongi's, Namjoon gave me a polite smile. "I'm good, thanks." 

"What brings you here, Namjoon?" I led the way to the living room. 

Namjoon nodded to the two men sitting on the couch before taking the seat between them. I spun my desk chair back around, and sat down facing the men on the couch once again. 

"I felt bad after I saw you today. You were obviously upset. So, I came over to check on you and brief you on the plan." He gave Yoongi a pointed look. "But it looks like I'm a little late for that."

"We've gone over the important parts."

Namjoon continued to stare Yoongi down. It was like he was trying to communicate telepathically. He quickly asked Yoongi a question in Korean. Yoongi shrugged. 

"Yeah, she guessed right, so I showed her. But, I haven't told her about what you and Hoseok can do, yet." 

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