Part 27

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"Pfft," Jimin scoffed. "You were barely there a week. I was there for two months!"

Jimin offered his hand to Jungkook, and helped hoist the younger man off the floor. I placed my hand on Namjoon's shoulder, using him as leverage to stand up, then offered him my hand.

"Did I hear that right? You guys erased Y/n-noona's memory?" Jungkook asked while dusting himself off.

"Suppressed." Jin appeared from the dinning room, carrying two chairs. He pointed to me and then the loveseat. I grabbed Jimin's hand and gave a little tug, and pulled him with me over to the loveseat.

"You remember what happened when Jimin didn't come back," Hobi started, the look on his face completely serious. "She only left her apartment to go to work. She stopped eating. She wouldn't even laugh at Jin-hyung's jokes."

"I remember," Jungkook said quietly.

Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"When you and Taehyung both failed to return, she asked us to help ease her pain."

"But it back-fired." Jin peaked over at me. "Turns out we were the source of her pain. Except for Hoseok. Not sure what that's about."

"I appreciate it. It was a nice boost to the ol' ego. Thank you, Y/n." Hobi laughed, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"It's fine, guys." I gave a nod and smile to Jin and Hobi. "I don't remember anything that happened between Jimin leaving and returning as Hobi's cat."

We were all silent for a moment, just looking around the room at each other. The occasional nod of the head. No one quite sure what to say next.

Yoongi shifted in his seat on the couch. "So, I'm curious, what triggered your memory recovery?"

I looked at Jimin who was smiling smugly. He puffed out his chest a bit with pride. "We kissed."

Taehyung looked at me with wide eyes. "Y/n is Sleeping Beauty?"

Everyone laughed, relieving some of the tension that had built up in the room.

"I relate more to Snow White."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you suggesting we're dwarfs?"

"If the shoe fits..."

"Isn't that Cinderella?" Jungkook asked with a chuckle.

Jin groaned and rolled his eyes. "You guys are lame."

"Really, Jin?" I snorted. "You're one to talk!"

"Okay!" Namjoon stood up and attempted to garner our attention. "Kronos. Did we manage to destroy the data?"

"I got to some of the hard files before I escaped," Jimin stated.

Yoongi leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, hands clasped. "The worm I installed should be destroying their servers as we speak. The fire sprinklers should go off at about 11:00 tonight and ruin most of the desktop computers."

"The sprinklers are working wonderfully, by the way," Jin chimed in. "The water pressure is good, and should reach the sprinklers at the end of the line before anyone can turn them off."

Jimin sighed quietly while the other men all congratulated each other on the successful execution of their plan.

"What is it, Jimin-ie?" I whispered, not wanting to draw the attention of the others.

"I need to figure out a new thesis."

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll help you figure it out."

"Thank you."

"I love you, Jimin."

Jimin smiled down at me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, too, Pumpkin."

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