Part 17

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Well shit. 

I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. It was too much to take in. Kronos wasn't at fault for turning Jimin into a shapeshifter. Hybrid? Human-animal-transformer? What the hell is he exactly? 

"Jimin," I said without looking at him. I could feel his eyes on me, and his hand resting gently on my stomach. 

He hummed in response. 

"Get your hand off me or I'll break it." I turned my head and glared at him to emphasis my words. 

Jimin pouted and pulled his hand away. "Sorry," he mumbled. 

We remained silent for a few minutes. I tried to wrap my head around everything. Nothing was making sense. 

"Can the other guys change their forms, too? Not just you, Taehyung, and Jungkook?" I thought aloud. The seven of them were apparently a package deal, so it  seemed reasonable to assume they all had shapeshifting abilities. 

When Jimin didn't answer, I looked over to find him deep in thought. 

"Hand me your phone?" He finally asked. I decided not to question it, and unplugged my phone from the charger and unlocked the screen before handing it to Jimin. 

He scrolled through my contacts and selected a number. I could hear the phone right twice before someone answered. Jimin spoke Korean, so I had no idea what was being said. 

"What time do you work tomorrow?" Jimin asked me, holding a hand over the bottom of the phone. 

"I work 8 to 5, but I might try to take a half day tomorrow." I couldn't imagine making through my entire shift. 

Jimin said into the phone, "8 to 5." He then went back to speaking Korean. My eyes had started to close on their own by the time Jimin ended the call. 

"Yoongi is going to come over tomorrow at 6:00." Jimin handed me my phone, and I plugged it back in to finish charging.  


"To explain things." Jimin said dryly. 

I rolled my eyes, not that he could tell as I was struggling to keep them open. "Duh. Why Yoongi? Why can't you just tell me?"

"Oh. He's better at explaining things than I am." 

"Okay." That was all I could manage before I fell asleep. 


The day was dragging by slowly. 

I spent most of the morning trying to research bio engineering and helping students connect to the wifi on their laptops. 

There were still two hours left in my shift when I had finally managed to convince one of my co-workers to cover my shift the following day. I had promised cookies and to cover a shift for them in the future. 

"Huh, there really is an IT desk in the library," a somewhat familiar voice chuckled. 

I looked up to find Namjoon standing in front of the desk, a laptop clutched to his chest. 

"Hey, Namjoon." I forced a smile, not sure how I felt about him being there. Or as a person for that matter. 

Noticing the skeptical look on my face, I was never good at masking my emotions, he cleared his throat. "Hey, Y/n. I could use some help with my computer. I think it's got a virus or something." 

"Let's take a look." I held out my hands and he gingerly handed me the laptop. I opened it to find the screen rapidly filling up with pop-up ads, one after another. "Oh jeez!" 

I disconnected from the wifi, and began shutting things down via Task Manager. I glanced up at Namjoon who gave me a shrug and a sheepish smile. 

"I have bad luck with electronics." 

I smiled and nodded. The 'J' key was somehow stuck, but that was unrelated to the overall problem. It looked like he had disabled the firewall and ended up with a nasty virus and some malware, but I couldn't be sure until I had run some diagnostics. 

"Namjoon," I said, glancing up at him from the screen. "This might take a day or two." 

With his lips closed, Namjoon ran his tongue across his top teeth. "Yeah. That sounds right." 

I laughed. "I'm going to do what I can before I leave and I'll leave a note for the person coming in tomorrow."

"You won't be here tomorrow?"

"No." I gave him a pointed look. "I'm going to take a personal day tomorrow." 

"Oh." He nodded. "Okay." 

I turned my focus back to the screen. The pop-ups had stopped multiplying and things were finally beginning to shut down. 

"I guess I'll get going then," Namjoon said a little too loudly. 

"Hold on," I glanced back up at him and slid a piece of paper to across the counter. "Could you fill in your contact info, please? We'll call you when your computer is ready." 



I slipped off my shoes immediately after shutting and locking the front door. Already thinking about sleeping in the next morning, I walked into my bedroom to change out of my work clothes. 

After changing into sweat pants and plain black t-shirt, I ventured out into the apartment. "Jimin?"

"In the living room." 

Walking into the living room I found Jimin sitting next to Jimin on the couch which caused me to pause mid-step. I'm too tired for this shit. 

I sighed and sat between the two Jimins. 

"Which one of you bastards is Yoongi?"

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