Part 13

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"Mmm, he is worldwide handsome. Those broad shoulders, plump lips, and his eyes-"

"That's enough." Jimin narrowed his eyes at me and ripped into a piece of toast with his teeth.

"Oh, I'm not finished." I gave Jimin a sweet smile. "That hair! I'm not usually into bottle blondes, but his hair suits him perfectly! And it's so thick-"


"I just want to run my hands through it. He's just so beautiful. Like, it's not fair, you know? Normally, I'm not cool with a guy being prettier than me, but with Jin, I'm totally okay with it."

Jimin slowly blinked at me. It was clear he was trying to appear bored, but he just looked jealous. I loved it.

It was going to be a good day.

We had spent a few hours the night before creating dating profiles for Yoongi, Jin, and me. It had been decided that only three of us should do it as to not appear too suspicious in the event that Kronos was watching.

Jin volunteered, claiming he should do it seeing as he was the best looking out of all of us. Typically, I would find a declaration like that off-putting, but, coming from Jin, it was charming. He was absolutely correct. He was stunning.

Hobi even mentioned that Jin was the only person he had ever seen cry beautifully. Having met Jin, I believed Hobi's statement to be factual.

Jin was a genuinely nice person, too. The guys had said that he was a fantastic cook to boot. It was possible that Jin was perfect.

"Is Jin even human?" I asked before taking a final bite of my eggs. "Is he a robot? Is that why he's so perfect?"

Jimin huffed while rolling his eyes, then pushed away from the table and began cleaning up.

I smiled to myself and finished my bacon.

"I look good blonde, too," Jimin said under his breath while he loaded the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

"Awe, you're pretty, too, Jimin-ie."

"You don't get to call me that."

"Okay, I won't call you pretty anymore." I handed him my plate.

Jimin growled in frustration. "That's not what I meant." He shut the dishwasher door a little harder than necessary. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Okie dokie!"

I sat down in front of my computer and began checking my dating profile. The guys had helped me update my existing profile the night before to make it more alluring. Apparently, I hadn't done a good enough job by myself. It was a harsh blow to the ego.

I had three new messages.

The first was a random guy who let me know right away that he had a thing for redheads. He loved their soft, fair skin and body hair. I blocked him. Creep.

The second message was a reply from Mr. Jordan himself. I had messaged him first last night, saying that I liked his taste in movies. It was a lie, but it worked. I had never been a fan of The Notebook or Top Gun, his two favorite films.

I sent him back a flirty message saying I thought he was handsome, and asking him to tell me more about himself.

I decided to check the third message. Eh, what the hell? I'm single.

The profile picture showed a man that looked like a living porcelain doll, but angelic instead of terrifying. All the message said was, "hey."

My phone buzzed, announcing I had received a text.

Unknown: Hey. It's Min Yoongi.

Y/n: I see we're an 84% match. That's pretty high.

Yoongi Min: Are you surprised?

Y/n: Yes. Very.

Yoongi Min: T_T
Yoongi Min: Rude.

Y/n: Blake Jordan messaged me back.

Yoongi Min: He messaged me too.
Yoongi Min: I haven't responded.

Y/N: You don't want to seem too eager. That's smart.
Y/N: You gonna play hard to get?

Yoongi Min: I am hard to get.

I laughed so hard I snorted a little. "Oh geez, this guy." I said to myself, shaking my head.

"What guy?" Jimin asked as he walked up to where I was sitting at my desk. He was only wearing a towel, and it was slung low and loose on his hips.

"Jimin," I began slowly. "I get that you have a nice body and that you're proud of it."

He grinned at my compliment.

I gestured to his left side. "That tattoo on your ribs, super hot. Good choice. Thank you."

Jimin's chest puffed up a bit as he licked and then lightly bit his lower lip.

"But it feels like you're always trying to take your clothes off. And, while I'm not not interested, the timing is pretty bad." I couldn't remember his exact words from the day before, but I felt like he got the gist of it. "So, get dressed. We have things to do today."

Jimin let out a huff, and turned on his heel. I watched him walk down the hall to my bedroom. Pausing as he reached the bedroom door, Jimin glanced over his shoulder to make sure I was looking, and let the towel drop to the floor. He quickly shut the door behind him.

"Hey! You need to hang up your towel!"

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