Part 21

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"Oh?" Jimin lowered his eyes to my mouth, and licked his lips. "What kind of abilities were you thinking?" 

He stepped closer, tentatively resting a hand on my hip. "Do you want a demonstration?" He asked in a husky voice. 

Yes. Yes, please! 

I placed my palms against his chest and gently pushed him back. "Namjoon said you are like Jin and Hobi." 

His hand fell from my hip. 

Jimin turned to the coat closet next to the front door, and opened it. Digging in the pockets of my winter parka, he pulled out my cotton gloves. How did he know they were in there? Why does he need gloves?

He slipped his hands into the small, stretchy gloves, and closed the closet door. He took a step toward me, and I took one back, bumping into the front door. He had me cornered. 

"It works with skin-to-skin contact. I'm not as strong as Jin and Hoseok." Jimin's deep brown eyes bore into mine. It was like he was trying to see into my soul, like he was looking for something there. 

He gently cupped my left cheek with one gloved hand, his thumb lightly brushing over the cheekbone itself. His other hand returned to my hip. 

"I can influence a person's mental state. I can make someone feel serene calm or intense rage. I'm also able to help people fall asleep. It's part of the reason Yoongi and I decided to live together. He used to have terrible nightmares that would lead to sleep paralysis. I helped him overcome it." 

I shifted under his intense gaze, not sure if I should try to put some distance between us with force, or just slump to the floor and crawl away. 

Jimin sighed and stepped back, removing his hands from my cheek and hip, but moving them to hold my hands instead. 

"Y/n, I never have and never will use my abilities on you without your consent." 

The earnestness in his voice made me believe him. But I questioned his words; something about them seemed off. I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

We stood in silence, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. 

After a few minutes, Jimin dropped my right hand, and gently tugged my left. He guided me into my bedroom. 

"Let's get some rest. We're going to need it." He turned on the lamp on my side of the bed, then grabbed the sweatpants he slept in. "I'll sleep on the couch tonight."

I didn't protest. Instead, I grabbed my own pajamas from beneath my pillow and started to walk to the bathroom to get ready for bed. 

Jimin caught me by the wrist before I got to the doorway. 

"Y/n, when this is all over, I promise I will tell you everything." With his still gloved hand, Jimin tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I hope you can understand that it has to be this way." 

"Jimin, when this is all over, I'm going to be looking for a new job in a different city." I brushed past him and stomped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. 

I had had it. I wasn't even sure if I had ever verbally agreed to help these guys in the first place. Of course, I would play my role and help rescue their two friends. But after that, I was done. I never wanted to see any of them again. 

They were constantly lying and deceiving me. I couldn't trust any of them. Not Namjoon. Certainly not Yoongi. Not even Hobi. 

I removed my makeup, and brushed my teeth with more vigor than necessary. 

I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow. 


The hallway I stood in was long, stark white, and dotted with archways every few feet on either side. There were people milling around, but I didn't recognize anyone. Every so often, someone would step through an archway; always leaving the hallway, never entering. 

I continued walking down the never-ending hallway, passing endless archways. 

Looking into the archways, I saw nothing. Just a black void. But people continued to exit through them. 

I'm not sure how long I walked before I came upon the door. It was the only door I had seen. A bright light spill out from under it. I reached for the handle...

I was suddenly in my apartment. Curled up on the couch, snuggled under a man's arm. I could hear the muffled beating of his heart, and felt the slight heave of his chest as he inhaled. 

"Pumpkin." His voice was smooth and sweet. "I have to leave for a few days. We have a job." 

I tilted my head up to look into his dark chocolate eyes. He looked worried. His brow was furrowed as he chewed on his lower lip. I sat up, and pulled him against me gently. 

"Don't go, Jimin." 

He sighed, and lightly pressed his lips to mine. 

"I love you." 

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