Part 23

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"I have a question," I stated. Five sets of eyes turned toward me, all of them wary. "I want an honest answer. I'm not asking for a full explanation right now, but I will require one eventually."

We were all seated at the dining table eating the breakfast feast Jin had prepared. The light blue floral wallpaper and white wainscoting gave the dining room an early 1990's vibe that was reminiscent of my own childhood home.

After exchanging knowing looks, Namjoon gave Jin a subtle nod.

"Okay, Y/n. What is your question?" Jin gave me a bright smile, and took another bite of his pancake.

"Can any of you erase a person's memories?"

Aside from Namjoon fumbling and dropping his fork, the room went silent.

Yoongi nodded as if he was expecting my question, the corners of his mouth slightly pulled up into a small smirk. Jimin gave me the smile of a proud parent who's child had just won a spelling bee.

A quick glance at Hobi showed all the color had drained from his face, rendering him almost as pale as Yoongi.

Jin had stopped eating, and slowly pushed his plate away. He cleared his throat, and shifted in his seat. "Not erase exactly. It's more like the memories are repressed. They're still there, just hidden."

I glanced between Jin and Hobi, making brief eye contact with both men. "Both of you can do it then?"

Neither man answered.

Yoongi took another bite of his pancakes.

Sighing, Namjoon responded, "Yes. Both of them can, and so can Jungkook."

"You were a mess after Jimin didn't return. We tried to talk you out of it, but you were barely functioning. You only went to work, and I don't think you were eating-"

I lifted my hand to stop Jin from going any further.

"One more question." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to keep my focus. So far, my suspicions were proven correct. "How long have we known each other?"

Jimin slipped his hand around mine. Turning my attention to him, Jimin's grin grew wider and his eyes diminished into two small crescents. "Yoongi introduced us about a year ago. You two met in class and went on a few dates, but when he introduced us, it was love at first sight."

I may have physically recoiled a bit at the overly cliche term. Jimin's smile faded slightly, but was just as warm.

"I know you don't believe in that, but I do." He gave my hand a squeeze. "And it was."

I looked to Yoongi. He set down his fork and finished chewing. "We met in a music theory class. We were the only two computer science majors in there and the only people who already had their undergraduates degree. I introduced you to everyone else, you hit it off with Jimin, and you already knew Jin."

My head snapped in Jin's direction, and he flinched upon eye contact. "Jin?"

Jin stared at his plate, refusing to look at me. His voice a minute whisper, "I've known you since third grade."

"What?! What the fuck, Jin?" My calm, albeit unsettling-ly so, demeanor vanished as I let the emotions I was holding back flood my consciousness.

Jimin squeezed my hand again and regained my attention. His deep brown eyes urging me to keep my cool.

I'm in love with this guy? This guy who can change into animals? Wait, how the hell does that work?

I took a few deep breaths.

"I'm sorry, Y/n, but we're going to have to get into the details later." Namjoon glanced at his watch. "We need to get things rolling."

Jin jumped up from his seat and started clearing dishes with Hobi's help. Any excuse to get away from me. While they hadn't confirmed it, I assumed they were involved in the events that led me to forget all of them. All but Hobi. Why Hobi?

"Jin is gonna go to work, and he'll pick you two up on his way to Kronos," Namjoon started running through everyone's role in the rescue mission, which was, apparently, real. I was beginning to question the validity of everything the guys had told me, and was no longer sure if Taehyung and Jungkook even existed.

"Jin actually works for a fire safety company part-time," Jimin whispered in my ear.

I tried to reign in my thoughts. Maybe my questions weren't well timed.

My head was swimming with questions, and the answers I had received only caused more questions. I tried to focus on Namjoon, but I didn't hear anything he said.

Everyone suddenly stood up from the table and started to exit the dining room.

Jimin stayed seated next to me, holding my hand.

"Y/n, we need to go now," Jimin quietly urged me to stand up. I let him lead me to the front door where Hobi waited for us.

"Is she okay?"

Jimin sighed. "She's in shock, hyung."

"This is why I wanted to wait to tell her."

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