Part 14

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Y/n: Yoongi. Question. 

Yoongi Min: k

Y/n: You lived with Jimin, is he always naked?

Yoongi Min: ...
Yoongi Min: did you guys have sex? 

Y/n: NO!
Y/n: No! We did not! 
Y/n: No! Why would you ask that? 
Y/n: He just keeps taking off his shirt. 

Yoongi Min: O
Yoongi Min: yea, he does that

Y/n: So it's normal? Okay. Good. 

Yoongi Min: clothes stifle his creativity 
Yoongi Min: Maybe you should

Y/n: Maybe I should what?

Yoongi Min: It's been almost 2 months...

It took me a few seconds to understand what he was trying to say. I was less than impressed.

Y/n: Bye Yoongi. 

Yoongi Min: See you tonight

I tossed my phone onto the couch and sat down next to it. 

The six of us were planning on meeting up at Jin and Namjoon's place again that night. Jin was going to try to cook again, and Namjoon was going to stay out of the kitchen. I was hoping to make some progress with Blake Jordan by that time. 

I checked my messages on the dating site again, but there were no new messages. 

Being a naturally curious person, I looked at Yoongi's profile. The pictures appeared to be old as he had blonde hair in most of them. Why did he dye his hair brown? Blonde was freaking sexy! 

I may have been drooling slightly when Jimin sat down on the couch next to me. He gently rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"What are you looking at?" He purred in my ear. 

"Nothing." I locked the screen instantly. "I was just checking to see if Blake Jordan messaged be back. He didn't."

"Mmmhmm." Jimin hummed. He kept his chin on my shoulder. It was awkward to say the least. 

I shifted away from Jimin, turning a bit to face him. Thankfully, he was fully clothed for once, though his skintight blue jeans left little to the imagination. And his white t-shirt was a bit on the sheer side. 

"I've been wondering, what is Jin studying? And your other two friends? What are they studying?" 

I had been trying to figure out why Kronos has picked these three specific young men out of all of their interns and employees. It sounded like they were constantly looking for more interns, as Yoongi was being brought on at Kronos rather quickly. It couldn't be a coincidence. 

Namjoon was getting his masters in Physics. Jimin, Evolutionary Biology. Yoongi, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I remember Hobi telling me he was getting his masters in Nuclear Engineering, but he rarely talked about it. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"Just curious. It might be helpful in figuring out what Kronos' endgame is. Gotta look at it from every angle." I flashed Jimin a smile. 

"Jin-hyung is almost finished with his masters in Chemistry. Taehyung is finishing up his Bachelor's in Psychology, and Jungkook is a sophomore in Mechanical Engineering." 

"Wow! You guys must all be really smart. Those are pretty tough programs." I meant what I said. They were all very difficult fields of study. 

While I hadn't actually seen Taehyung or Jungkook, I had been told that if the seven men had formed a boy band, the youngest two would be visuals along with Jin. I had to look up what that meant. But the other four mean were also very attractive. 

Seven very attractive men, all pursuing difficult majors, and they were all in the same unit in the military. Three had been abducted for scientific testing. 

And why did they all decide to come to the US to study at the same State university? It's not even a prestigious school.  

"I guess." Jimin said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He rubbed the back of his neck. "So, what are we doing that I had to put clothes on for?" 

"Nothing really. I just wanted you to get dressed." I patted Jimin's knee and stood up from the couch. He pouted. "I have some errands to run and I need to do laundry before we head out for dinner."

"So, I didn't have to get dressed?"

"Do you want to come with me?" 



Hobi drove the three of us to Jin and Namjoon's for dinner that evening. Hobi and Jimin helped Jin and Yoongi in the kitchen while Namjoon was tasked with giving me a tour of the house. 

"Well, you've seen the living room, kitchen, dining room, and the bathroom. I guess I'll show to you the bedrooms and the basement." Namjoon smiled. His dimples were almost too adorable. 

Namjoon lead me down the hallway, away from the living room and the kitchen beyond. We entered the bedroom at the end of the hall. 

"This is Jin's room." He gave a grand sweeping gesture. "He gets the master because his family owns the house."

"What? Did they buy the house so Jin would have a place to stay during grad school?"

"No. His parents used to come here for work for extended periods of time. Jin went to school here for a semester in the third or fourth grade." Namjoon began ushering me to the next room, working our way back toward the living room and the others. He opened the next door. "This is Jungkook's room." 

The room was on the smaller side. A full-sized loft bed was in the corner opposite the door. Under the loft was a desk with three monitors and a large custom tower. "He's a gamer?" 

"Yeah. Kook, Tae, and Jin are all gamers." Namjoon turned off the light and shut the door. 

"Dinner's ready." Hobi shouted, his voice echoing off the walls in the hallway. 

"I guess we'll continue the tour after dinner." 

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