Part 15

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True to his word, after dinner Namjoon showed me the basement. The family room was furnished almost identically to the living room with more plaid couches and a large flat screen television. There was another bathroom, and two more bedrooms. 

Namjoon only gave me a brief glimpse of his room before closing the door, saying he was embarrassed by how dirty it was. 

"That's Taehyung's room." Namjoon motioned to the door, but didn't open it. The other men had all descended upon the family room, and Namjoon ushered me away from the bedroom door to join the group. 

"Y/n! Good news!" Hobi patted the couch cushion next to him. I took a seat between him and Yoongi. "Yoongi-hyung got a date!" 

I turned to Yoongi who shrugged and nodded as if it was no big deal. "That's great!"

"Yeah, we're meeting in an hour at a bar. You're coming, too."

"What?" I looked around the room at the others and received knowing grins from everyone but Namjoon. He looked confused. 

The slick smile on Yoongi's face made me shiver. "I mentioned to Mr. Jordan that I was in a non-monogamous relationship with a woman and we were looking for a third." 

I blinked hard a couple times, cleared my throat, and asked, "So... we're an item and looking for a threesome?" 

"More or less." 

"But, I've been talking to him, too. Wouldn't it seem odd that I hadn't mentioned that to him before?"

"I told him you were looking, too. He's interested." Yoongi slid his arm around my shoulders. "We're meeting him tonight, babe."

I looked to Jin and then Namjoon as they both seemed to be fairly reasonable people. "Isn't this making things overly complicated? How are we going to gain his trust this way?"

Jin nodded, it was as if he expected my response. "We're not." 

"Huh? I'm lost guys." Did they change the plan without telling me?  

"Getting to know him, gaining his trust and deciding if he's going to help or not is going to take too long," Jin explained. "So, the two of you are going to distract him while we," he motioned to himself and the others, "get his Kronos key card."


"And how do you plan on doing that? It's not like he's going to bring it with him to the bar on a Sunday night." I thought they were smart?

Hobi gently took my hand in his, gaining my attention. "Don't worry, Y/n, we got this. I'm going to get his wallet. Jimin will check his car, and Jin-hyung and Namjoon-ie are going to check his apartment. All you need to do is stick with Yoongi-hyung and keep Blake Jordan occupied."

When the hell did they find his address? How did this evolve into breaking-and-entering and theft? Why did they all look so calm and confident with this idea?  

"This is a terrible idea. We are going to get caught, and probably arrested." 

Hobi lightly squeezed my hand. "It'll be fine. We've done this before." 


Yoongi and I stood silently at a table without any stools at a bar near the university campus. The table was located in toward the back of the bar, and easily visible from Hobi's seat at the bar. 

Snaking an arm around my waist, Yoongi pulled me close to whisper in my ear. "When Jordan gets here, you need to order a drink with a straw. Take a drink and offer him a sip. He needs to drink off the straw. Do you understand?" 

I nodded slightly. 

His fingers pressed into my ribs, just enough to get my attention. "Good." 

 They've done this before. 

I couldn't stop thinking about what Hobi said. Jin had quickly changed the subject before I had a chance to ask any questions. 

Jin mentioned that Yoongi had a handheld RFID reader that he had modified to replicate cards. All we needed to do was scan Blake Jordan's key card with the RFID reader and we would be able to encode a new card with the same access.  

Apparently, Yoongi had started modding the RFID reader as soon as he applied for an internship with Kronos. He said he didn't want to tell anyone about it until he was sure it worked. 

They all agreed that it 'made sense' to go this route, as we were positive Blake Jordan had access to the area Kronos was holding Taehyung and Jungkook. We needed to move as quickly as possible. 

A tall man with light brown hair, a thin build, and glasses came up to our table. Yoongi stood up straighter, pulling me with him. 

"Blake?" Yoongi asked with a smile. 

"Yes, it's nice to meet you Yoongi," Blake held out his hand to Yoongi. The two men shook hands, lingering a little longer than necessary. Turning to me, he took my hand and gently pressed his lips to my knuckles, never breaking eye contact. "Y/n, it's a pleasure." 

I fought back the urge to yank my hand back, and smile at him instead. Silently hoping my discomfort with the entire situation wasn't too obvious. 

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