Part 25

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Jimin quickly shot off a group text letting everyone know we had access to Kronos' security camera feed. 

A minute later Jimin received a phone call from Yoongi and put the call on speaker. "Okay, hyung, we're good to go." 

Shortly after Jimin gave the green light, we saw Blake Jordan walk into the lobby, and swipe his key card to enter into the lab area. 

Jimin relayed instructions in Korean while I kept my eyes on the screen, pulling up new camera feeds as Yoongi-Blake made his way through the first floor. 

Leaning over, Jimin pointed at the computer screen, "He's going to take this stairwell down to the subbasement." I brought up the next camera's feed and waited. 

"Hyung, once you exit the stairwell, turn left and walk down the hallway. There will be a door on the right that says 'Danger, Asbestos,' it has a card reader, that's the door you want." 

I watched as Yoongi-Blake made his way to the subbasement, the hallway was empty. All of the hallways had been empty so far. 

"Jimin, is it usually this quiet? No one is around Yoongi. Isn't it a little suspicious?"

"I think it's usually quieter in the mornings?" 

"Are you asking me? Because I don't know-" 

"No, it is. It's usually quiet in the mornings. Most of the labs on this floor are used by interns." Jimin nodded to himself. "Do you think it's a trap?"

"I don't know. You're the expert." 

Yoongi scoffed and said, "It's fine." His voice was muffled slightly as he covered his mouth, pretending to yawn for the cameras. 

"Okay, hyung, it's the red door on your right with the warning sign. Inside the door is another stairwell. That's how I escaped." 

Yoongi-Blake used his key card and the door opened without issue and disappeared through the red door. I tried finding him again, scrolling through the camera feeds, but could not locate him. 

"Yoongi, are their any cameras there? I can't find you." 

All that could be heard through the phone were faint footsteps followed by a door clicking shut. 

"No," came Yoongi's hushed voice. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. 

Jimin started giving Yoongi instructions in Korean. I tried to relax a little, there was nothing else for me to do. I rolled my shoulders, followed by my neck. 

"Oh, Mr. Jordan, you're here. Could you grab test subject 37 from the kennels and bring him to lab 2?" A mystery voice rang through the phone speaker. 

"Of course." Yoongi-Blake replied. Jimin rapidly rattled off instructions. 

We could hear a door close. "Uhh, guys? There are about 40 small animals in tiny cages in here."

"Do you see a black rabbit?"


"Great! That's Kook-"

"There are three of them."

"Shit." Jimin ran his left hand through his hair, and then his right; his eyes darted between the phone and the computer screen. 

"Open all three cages and see what happens?" I offered what I thought was a reasonable solution. 

Metal on metal could be heard three times. Yoongi cleared his throat. "Okay, I put all three of them on the floor. Two hopped away from me, and the third one is sleeping." 

"Grab the sleeping one." 

I reached over put a hand on Jimin's knee, his legs were bouncing so violently, it was shaking the van. 

"Hyung, do you see either a black squirrel or a black ferret?" 

Another cage door opened. 

"Yes, there's only one ferret." 

Jimin grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it. He whispered, "Get ready to call Hoseok."

I grabbed my cell phone and brought up Hobi in my contacts.

"Hyung?" A deep voice sounded through Jimin's phone. 

"Tae!" Yoongi exclaimed, I could hear his gummy smile through the speaker. "Tae, is this Jungkook?" 

"I think so. They tranquilized him last night. Why do you look like Dr. Jordan?" 

"Let's go, Taehyung," Yoongi stated, a bit of triumph in his voice. "Call in backup." 

I dialed Hobi. He answered on the first ring. "Go now." 

Hobi responded by ending the call. 

Jimin picked up his phone and started typing out a text message. A few moments later there were fire alarms going off inside the building. 

We could hear Yoongi's heavy breathing and footfalls. The two were running. There were some shouts in the background, and then a door slammed shut. 

"We're almost to the subbasement door," Yoongi shouted. 

I switched the feed over to a loop of an empty hallway I had saved. "You're good to go, Yoongi." 

The two men came into view on my computer screen. They ran down the hallway and into the stairwell at the opposite end. 

Suddenly, there were screams of terror coming from outside the van. 

The fire alarms got louder as Yoongi and Taehyung entered the next stairwell. I kept switching the feeds as they entered into a new camera's view. 

"Hyung, go left. There's a fire exit," Jimin shouted into his phone, he then took it off speaker and held the device to his ear. 

We could still hear screaming and the fire alarm blaring outside the van. 

I looked to Jimin who was sending out another text message. He smiled to himself and slipped the phone in his pocket. 

"We did it!" He exclaimed and threw his arms around me. I returned his embrace. 

Jimin pulled back a little and looked into my eyes. He slipped one hand behind my head, his fingers laced through my hair, and leaned in. His plush lips gently grazed mine. 

"I love you so much." 

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