Chapter 11

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Joe's POV

It's 9am and me and Di are practising the dance for this week; it's couples choice, so we're doing a really cool street dance to jump around.

I'm really nervous because Dianne hasn't choreographed the dance for once, as street isn't her specialty. I'm worried that I won't be able to pull the dance off and the choreographer won't understand me and adapt the routine for me, the way Dianne does.

We've been learning and rehearsing all morning and it's going very well for the first day, I seem t be picking up street quite easily! I know the routines going to get a whole lot harder when we add the basketballs though...

D- Joe, you're killing this!

J- Thanks, considering street isn't your specialty, you're really good...

D- (laughing) well, I am a professional dancer, Joseph, this is what I do for a living...

J- oh yeah, I forget that sometimes.

We rehearse a little longer, until we decide to take a little break.

D- Hey, do you mind if I go to the girls dressing room real quick? I need to go fill my water bottle up, and the only working water fountain is in there...

J- Yeah sure.

D- Thanks, I won't be too long.

I watch as she walks out of the room. I throw myself into the sofa, and scroll down aimlessly but contently through Instagram, waiting for my little pocket of sunshine to come back.

Diannes POV

I reach the girls dressing room to find Amy and Chloe, my best friends sat on the tables, taking. Amy has been eliminated and Chloe is the reserve pro, in case anyone gets injured or anything so they are just sat, chilling.

We have a brief conversation, I would normally talk to them for longer, but I want to get back to Joe. I quickly fill my bottle when I feel my phone vibrate.

I have a text from my aunt.

My aunt Clara who lives in Australia. Why would she be texting me?

I open the text, and my heart plummets down to my feet. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I drop the bottle but I can't hear it hit the ground.

Everything's going muffled, I can't breathe, I can't see-

A- Dianne!! Dianne? What's the matter? Are you okay?!

I'm sobbing now. I'm shaking so hard I can't even function. I can't think straight. I feel like I'm going to collapse.

C- oh my god.

I'm crying so hard I can't even see.

D- I need joe!! I need joe, please! Someone get Joe!!

I feel Chloe's arms grab me lead me to a chair as she tried to console me, but all I find myself doing is screaming for Joe.

Amy rushes out of the room.

Joe's POV

I look at my phone. 10 minutes? Di has been gone for an awfully long time.

I hear quick loud footsteps, like running, coming from outside the door.

Amy bursts in looking flustered and almost in tears.

A- Dianne!!

J- What? What's happened!

All I need is you // JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now