Chapter 12

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Joe's POV

I take a shaky breath after I manage to calm myself down.

I start the car and begin to drive back towards Elstrees.

So much is going through my head, but I can't seem to single out a thought and think about it. A million things are just flying around at once.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say or do when I get back to the studio, but I couldn't quite frankly care at this moment.

I drive the rest of the way in silence, not even reaching towards the radio for a bit of music.

I eventually arrive at the studio. I sit in the front of the car, just starting at the "Elstrees studio" sign before finally bringing myself to actually walk in.

I grab my phone and walk into the building. The corridors are pretty silent, but I guess that's because everyone's training like they should be. I can feel a couple of the producers eyes on me as I walk but none actually come and approach me.

I don't know if that's something to be grateful about or not.

Suddenly, I hear a voice and I turn around.

A- Joe!!

J- (monotone) Yeah?

A- Where's Dianne? What's happening?!

I sigh.

A- What?

J- nothing. Just get everyone into the meeting hall in five minutes and I'll explain.

Amy nods and walks off hesitantly.

I shove my hands into my pockets and head to the corridor outside my training room so I could get a coffee and just sit for a minute.

I quickly grab one and sit down on the sofa in our room. I sit and drink for a minute before tossing the cup in the bin from frustration.

It doesn't feel right being in this room by myself, I hate it.

It just...doesn't feel right.

I look at my watch and see it's time  to actually go and speak to everyone anyways, so I reluctantly get up and go.

When I arrive, all eyes are on me. All producers, pros and celebs are sat in chairs and it's actually quite daunting considering most these people are my friends, but it's scary having to stand in front of them all and talk about something serious.

I swallow harshly before I start.

J- um, hi everyone. So I think there's a lot of confusion and uncertainty about what's happened today, so I've just come to, uh, clear things up. Today Dianne got a text from her aunt. Her....her parents and grand parents have been involved in a-a car accident...

I swallow again and take a slightly shaky breath. Fuck. Joe you will not cry in front of all these people, you will not.

I look down at the floor.

J- (quickly) I don't really know much else, but I-I know that she's flying back to Australia to spend time with them which is u-understandable but I-I don't know w-when she'll be back or-

I pause and look up at everyone's pitiful faces, which instantly makes me feel bad.

I feel my lip tremble and the lump in my throat return.

A bunch of thoughts hit me at once.

How am I supposed to continue this strictly journey without her? We started this together and there's no way I can do it without her and now...this? What if her family die? That would scar her forever...poor mark and rina, they didn't do anything to deserve this? Why didn't she want me to come with her? It'd be much better than sitting here wasting away doing nothing-

All I need is you // JoanneWhere stories live. Discover now