Chapter 17

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Dianne's POV


I stand in the doorway of Joe's room, and watch as he sleeps. I grab a pillow off the floor, and begin to snigger as I throw it at his face. I turn the light on and watch as he squints wearily at me.

He rubs his eyes tiredly, and looks at the pillow I threw at him in disgust. His head is sticking up all over the place which is also adding to the stupid grin I have on my face.

He groans, and then turns over pulling the sheets over his head.

J- Turn the bloody lights off, they're too bright!

D- Nope, come on, we've gotta go practice our salsa!

I watch as he yawns and nestles back down anyways, closing his eyes.

I would normally force him up or throw water on him or something, but he does look oddly more tired than usual.

D- Fine, 20 more minutes, that's it!

He nods.

I walk downstairs and hop on the sofa, whilst Byron is working on his laptop at the table.

B- (smiling) Where's the mr?

D- Huh?

B- Joe, I meant, wheres Joe?

D- Refusing to get up. God, how do you do it every morning, he's so difficult!

B- Yeah, he loves his sleep our Joe. He's like a hormonal teenager, who doesn't want to get up for school.

D- Yeah, I find it funny how during the day, he's the most happy-go-lucky, bubbly little guy but in the morning, he turns into some demon who will bite your head off, if you come near him.

B- Had to put up with it for the last two years.

D- Unlucky.

I sit and reply to a couple of emails. Twenty minutes pass so I decide to try and get Joe up again.

I walk upstairs and into Joe's room.

D- Come on buddy, we've got to go!

He doesn't stir.

D- Joe?

He sits up and looks up at me pitifully.

I sit on the end of the bed.

D- What's up?

J- I don't feel too good.

D- Oh, Joe. You probably just need some food down you or something. Come on-

I grab his hand but I immediately pull away when I feel how hot he is.

D- Joe...

J- What?

D- You're boiling!

J- I'm so cold...

D- God, you've probably got a temperature. Okay, it's probably best for you to just stay in bed, one day off won't hurt-

J- NO!'s fine, I'm fine. We need to go practice, I'm fine.

I raise my eyebrow at him.

He gets up slightly wobbly, before steadying himself, grabbing a jumper, pulling it over his head, and walking downstairs.

He quickly grabs himself some coffee and some toast.

B- (laughing) Finally out of bed then, you lazy sod!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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