Twelfth Chapter

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Harley sat up quickly, pushing off the grassy floor to watch the dust puff outwards from Peter's insane actions. Harley didn't understand why Peter did what he did, but Harley didn't need to understand. He needed help.

Harley kept pressing the button on his wrist, knowing it would tell his dad he was in trouble. Harley knew he was probably gonna get his father worried, but he needed help. He didn't know what was happening down there, but he could hear rocks falling to the ground below, and that couldn't be good. That was never good.

"Come on, dad, I need you now. Why can't this be like every other time? I say 'ow' and you come rushing in, but when I'm actually using the button, you take forty years!" Harley said in frustration, just pressing away, wondering what was happening to Peter.

What was happening was that Peter was dodging the red and gold dragon while trying to get a few punches on the Dragon lady. It wasn't working out very well for Peter though, seeing as he wasn't in his suit and his web shooters was in his backpack. Peter was just using his sticking qualities and supreme gymnastic skills to dodge and hit the lady.

The lady just had a smile, as if she just learned a secret, which she had. The lady now knew who Spider-Man was. But Peter wasn't going to let her kill him over his secret identity. How many villains had Peter faces that figured out his identity? Too many in Peter's opinion. 

"Is this all you got? I'm not even in the suit, and you still can't hit me!" Peter called jumping above the dragon, knocking some rocks down on the ground. The lady snarled, her eyes narrowing at Peter as she waved her sword again, the dragon following. She looked like she was dancing to Peter, but he knew the truth. She was trying to kill him, something Peter didn't want to happen to him.

Peter was stuck on another wall when the dragon wrapped it's tail around him, shaking him across the cement, tearing his cloths and creating scratches on his face that poured out with blood as red as the dragon itself. Peter screamed in agony, feeling each cut tear across the skin and each bruise start to form. The woman smiled coldly, her sword catching the light to make it look like it was on fire as she waved it in sync with the dragon.

"私はこの最後に勝利すると言った。私はあなたが月と一緒に落ちると言った。時が来たぞ スパイダー 最後の言葉を言って欲しい, " The lady said with a laugh gesturing to get sword as the light raced to the very tip, racing off before the light was on the dragon, racing upwards, turning the dragon into different colors. When the light was gone, the entire dragon was now a blue-gray color with silver features and eyes. The dragon was slowly moving through the air like a slow snake, and it looked like a ghost with the slight glow and translucency. Peter would have found it mesmerizing if he wasn't in so much pain.

But something above them shifted, and the entire roof collapsed. The woman fell down, the dragon falling down with her. Peter started free falling, but he managed to grab into the wall, hanging off the side. The woman seemed unconscious, which Peter thought was good at first, but then when he saw the roof, he was wrong. The woman would be crushed if any more rumble came down, and she was guaranteed death of that happened. And as much as this woman out Peter through, Peter couldn't just let her die, Spider-Man didn't do that.

So Peter pushed off the wall, jumping onto the ground making the rocks shift on impact. Peter didn't lose his balance, instead pushing off the rocks to get closer to the woman. Peter landed beside her, pulling her to him so he could check her vitals and if she had any injuries.

Peter didn't find any, thankfully, so he looked for away to get them both away from the wreckage without anything falling on top of them. But before Peter could do that, the roof came crashing down with Peter becoming the new support system.

Peter screamed in agony, his arms starting to shake at the huge amount of weight that just got thrown at them. The woman slowly started to wake up at the loud noise, her eyes focusing on Peter in confusion. "なぜ私を助けるの?"

Peter didn't reply, not knowing what she said and not having enough energy to talk. His face showed strain, it being pale and clammy, and his whole body starting to shake. His breaths became labored as every muscle in him wanted to snap, and every bones wanted to be turned into dust. He could feel his body slowly coming down into the ground, pushing into the lower pieces of concrete.

残るものです。," The woman whispered to Peter looking him in the eyes before repeating what she just said in English, wanting Peter to understand:

"The dragon that comes at night,
Will be the one to fight,
The dragon that comes at days,
Will be the one that stays."

The woman smiled before pulling her sword out of the ground, raising it up to aim at the roof. The sword started glowing silver from the moonlight as the blue and silver dragon shot out, breaking the fallen building Peter was holding. The dragon grabbed onto Peter with it's tail, dragging the half conscious boy to the grass, where Harley grabbed onto him, Iron Man lowering into the ground to get the unconscious woman.

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