Twenty First Chapter

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Trigger Warning

"Get up," The man said, standing in front of Peter with a sick grin plastered on his face. Peter just looked up slightly, barely able to see the man's face through the darkness that stretched inbetween them. But Peter knew who exactly the person was, even if he could barely see him.

"I said, get up!" The man yelled throwing his alcohol bottle at Peter, watching the glass shatter on him and cut through his skin. Peter grimaced in pain before slowly standing up on shaky legs, a headache wrapping around his head, making everything around Peter foggy and hard to focus on. But Peter had come used to this feeling, the past few weeks taking their toll on the spider.

"Now, come on, someone wants to see you," The man said grabbing Peter's wrist to pull him out the door. The bright lights pierced through Peter's mental fog, making him even more light headed than before. Peter hadn't been on the main floor since he was first dragged into the home.

After Peter broke up with Harley, he was dragged away to his new "home" with his new "adopted parent". In reality, it was just his own Hell with a demon for a "caretaker" . But Peter had come used to it, and it didn't matter that much to him anymore. This was his future, until the day he died, which Peter secretly hoped would happen soon, because Peter made sure he wouldn't be getting saved.

In the main room was an office area. A woman, the social services lady, sat at the desk, sipping some drink from a teacup. The woman had black hair in a braid to the side, and dark green eyes that stared at Peter coldly. The woman wore a black and green shirt with jeans, and Peter was able to see the running shoes she wore.

"Don't give her any trouble," The man said throwing Peter in the room so he fell on the floor. The man closed the door behind him, leaving Peter alone with the woman who was setting down her teacup on a small plate. She smiled darkly at Peter, gesturing to a seat in front of her. To tired to disobey, Peter stood up and got in the seat. This was the first time he did something human in the last few weeks, sitting on a seat. Usually he was told to sit on the floor, where freaks like him sat.

"Hello, Peter, my name is Ashley Sought, but you may call me Dr. Sought," The woman said. "As you may have realized, we know that you are Spider-Man, and we find that very peculiar. How can human turn into a freak? We planned to find out how."

Peter said nothing, looking at his hands that were in his lap. He learned not to make eye contact with anyone, and not to speak at all. It was one of the more basic rules, but it still had terrifying consequences if broken. Peter's sometimes thought the basic rules had worse punishments because they should have been easy to follow, while the more complex ones would take time to comprehend. But every rule had it's consequence, and Peter didn't want to get any of them.

"Why go after the super soldier serum when you have even more gifts than the Captain would ever possess? It'd be foolish not to switch roads when one will lead us to our destination faster," The woman smiled. "At first, we sent Ms. Aina, or the Dragon Lady, to get you but she went rogue. Ms. Aina only wanted honor, and she didn't see any honor in our cause apparently. But she was a fool to believe that, and we hope you are smarter."

The woman sighed, standing up from her seat to walk around the desk. She leaned onto the wooden table right beside Peter, lowering her head so she was about face to face with Peter, though he wouldn't look up to meet her eyes.

"And now, we are here, freak, about to figure out what makes the spider in you happen. After all these years of seeing how you work, I can't wait to see how strong you truly are," The woman laughed. "My associate has already taught you the rules and punishments, which means we can get started today even. My experiments will consist of your strength, speed, stamina, and durability. We will also test how much we can cure some of your weaknesses such as that quickened metabolism, because it seems to have more downfall than benefits, and we only want the best soldiers."

Peter's head was too foggy to fully comprehend what this woman wanted, but he knew that he was fixing to be tested for something. What for, Peter had no idea, and it gave him a headache to try and figure it out. The ignorance of the fog in his head was what Peter wanted, where pain didn't exist for him.

The woman grabbed onto Peter's chin, lifting his face to meet her own. The woman leaned down, beside Peter so she could whisper something in his ears, something that Peter couldn't quite understand in his current state. "Hail HYDRA, Freak."

The woman then stood up, walking away, leaving Peter there. Peter didn't dare move, instead waiting for the man to come back and get him. Peter didn't want to be punished after the beating he got the previous night.

But as he sat there, Peter's brain was able to put some things together. HYDRA was bad, and he was a freak. That's all he could figure out in his weakened mental state. But that just made Peter realize how much of a freak he was if he couldn't comprehend simple words that someone told him.

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