Fouteenth Chapter

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"Okay, Peter, your wounds seem to be healing up just nicely, though I do ask that you stay here for a week so I can see if anything gets worse," Bruce Banner said looking over the medical papers. He had just finished going over the health of Peter, while Harley was having a long chat with his father about Peter.

"Will I be stuck in here?" Peter asked looking around the medical room. It was white and silver, and it smelled terrible. Peter's senses were soaking it all in, and Peter hated that. Sometimes, like now, Peter wished he didn't have heightened senses.

"No, I'm sure Tony will get you a guest room. I took an analysis of your powers, and I saw you have heightened senses, so I'm sure the Medbay isn't your favorite place," Bruce said with a smile. Bruce was actually surprised by how many powers Peter had. A few, like the increased metabolism, didn't seem all that good. But others, like Spidey Sense, seemed like a blessing for a superhero.

"Not my favorite place, but it isn't too bad. I would prefer a lab though," Peter said with a smile as well. Peter had only been in a lab so many times, but every time he was, Peter absolutely loved it. Peter loved science and math, and he was really upset when he learned he couldn't go to school. He thought he would be able to go once he got to the orphanage, but they didn't have enough money to send Peter to school. But he still had to do his bullies homework.

"You like science?" Bruce asked curiously. What teenager would want to be in a lab instead of wherever teens go these days? Bruce thought, realizing that he did not know the day and ages of teenagers.

"Oh, yeah. I have read your papers on gamma radiation almost a hundred times. I'm actually an intern here, been for a few months now," Peter smiled, remembering his first day. "I'm working with Harley on an AI, though we aren't quite finished with it just yet."

"Maybe you'll get to work in my lab one day," Bruce said wondering how anyone could understand those papers, let alone a teenager. He had only met a few people in his life that could read the papers, let alone understand them enough to want to read them again.

"Really? That would be so awesome."


"I just... I don't understand why you would do this, Harley. Aren't you proud of your life? Of your last name and family?" Tony said pacing the floor in front of his son who sat in a hospital chair, waiting for his father to finish, like a kid at the principals office.

"This has nothing to do with pride, or my family. This had to do with what people expected of me as a Stark, and what they want because of it. I wanted a friend, someone who actually liked me for who I was. And, yes, I did find someone who liked me just as much as I liked them. And, yes, I think I may have found someone that I love. But those things only happened after I took the chance to be someone no one could expect anything out of except a friend," Harley said, slowly standing up to look his father in the eye.

"Then, why didn't you tell anyone? What if you got kidnapped? We wouldn't know," Tony argued, not knowing what to do in this situation. Was he supposed to punish Harley? Didn't Tony sometimes wish he was brave enough to do the same thing when he was a teenager? What would his father have done? What should Tony do?

"I was kidnapped in front of you, and Peter was the one to save me. Bad things will always happen, with and without you there, but that just means I need good friends that can help me. And there are people just like Peter who may need a good friend as well," Harley argued.

"I can't believe my son is dating Spider-Man," Tony said quietly after a while, a smirk flashing on his lips as he realized what was happening. Harley just blushed really deeply, saying that he and Spider-Man weren't dating. "Not yet, anyways..."


Eh, just doing a little filler cause I am on a different device.

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