Fifteenth Chapter

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"I can't believe I'm already meeting your family," Peter said, looking at Harley through the mirror. Harley was laying on Peter's bed with his feet dangling off the side. Harley turned his head to face Peter who turned around to look at Harley. The latter couldn't help but blush, even as Peter walked towards him.

"Why would that be weird?" Harley asked looking up at the roof to avoid looking at Peter. But that plan backfired when Peter leaned over Harley's face, only inches apart. Harley blushed even deeper as he stared up at Peter's doe brown eyes. Peter had a kind smile on his face as he looked into Harley's dark brown eyes, a warm feeling settling in his heart.

"Well, we only started dating like a day ago, and our first date was literally me in a hospital bed," Peter said with shrug, standing up straight. Harley sat up, looking Peter up and down. He just wore a red science pun t-shirt and jeans with red and blue tennis shoes. Harley just wore a gray t-shirt and black sweatpants, his shoes being the most colorful thing about him seeing as they were red and gold.

"We're dating?" Harley asked quietly. He didn't mind it, in fact he would rather have them just be dating instead of the awkward moment when they had to build up the courage to ask each other out, but Harley wanted to make sure of it before he went down to dinner.

"I would assume so, if that's what you want. Or we could go on an official date and see if you still like me after that," Peter said grabbing Harley's hands to pull him off the bed into a standing position. Harley just nodded with a blush coming to his cheeks and a small smile coming to his lips. Peter smiled back, turning to the door and leading Harley downstairs where the Avengers were talking about random topics around a dinner table. Harley hid behind Peter who was frozen at the doorway.

"Come on in," Tony Stark said with a smile, gesturing Peter in. The teenager gave an awkward smile and walked deeper into the room. Harley kept his head down as he trotted behind Peter, showing Peter where to make their plates at. The rest of the Avengers just sat at the table, secretly watching Peter and Harley interact at the counter where the food was. Peter said something that made Harley quietly laugh while Peter just smiled, continuing what he was saying, making Harley laugh even harder. Peter started laughing himself, probably laughing at Harley's laugh.

"Are you laughing at me?" Harley said between laughs, Peter just nodded, laughing even harder at the way Harley said that. Harley just grabbed a piece of garlic bread to throw at Peter, who just caught it and took a bite of it. Harley had to smile at that, walking to the table to show Peter where they were sitting, in between Pepper and Tony around the middle of the table.

"So, Peter, where do you live?" Natasha asked sitting in front of Peter, with Clint and Steve sitting on either side of her. Natasha already knew the answer, Queens, but this was more of a test to see how Peter would answer, if he would lie or be rude.

"Somewhere near No Where," Peter said with a soft smile, even though Harley gave a small laugh. Natasha raised an eyebrow, confused as to what Peter was talking about. When the teenager looked around to see the confused faces, he let out a laugh. "Harley told me that you looked me up, so I thought I should do an inside joke. But I live in Queens, New York."

Natasha just hummed in reply, making a mental note to look up 'No Where' later. The conversations kept going on around them with Peter answering different questions, from absolutely dumb ones to intelligent ones that the majority of the table couldn't understand. But everyone paid attention when Steve asked Peter why he was Spider-Man.

Peter stared at his spaghetti as he answered. "My parents were scientists for Oscorp, and they were working on radioactive spiders, something to mimic the super soldier serum. I was five when one bit me, and the rest where then killed by a man who came into our house. The man shot my parents first, then my aunt. I tried to stop the man, but he grabbed me, put the gun at my head and told I would never be a hero. My uncle stopped him from shooting me. The cops came then, stopping the man from killing me. My uncle grabbed my hand, showing me the spider bite and he told me great power comes with great responsibility. Then he died. The cops took me away, sending to my new adopted parent."

"And that man was Skip," Harley said, clenching his fist in anger. But Peter grabbed his fist with his hand, looking at Harley with a sad smile. Peter started talking to Harley quietly, "You wouldn't let me kill Skip, and I'm not letting you kill him either."

"He isn't even in jail," Natasha said knowing what was happening even if the others had no idea what was going on. And those who heard what Peter said were even more confused. And everyone was an hundred times more confused by what Natasha said, but it didn't seem like they were getting answers. At least not by those three.

"Yeah, but he hasn't done anything to anyone so I don't have proof. All he does is get drunk at parties these days," Peter shrugged sighing, "But he's always drunk. Always was, forever will be. I'd like to think it's because he's ashamed of what he did, but he clearly isn't. He could do it when he was somber, usually he was somber when he did the darker stuff."

"Let's stop talking about this," Harley said quietly, opening his fist so that he was holding Peter's hand.

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