Eighth Chapter

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"What's up, idiot?" A teenager said to Peter, pushing him into a wall. Peter just let it happen, taking the moral high road and not fighting back. Peter always took the high road, knowing he could do some serious damage to the other teenagers if he wasn't careful. 

Another teen kicked Peter in the side, making him hunch over in pain. Even if he had super fast healing, things like getting kicked still hurt when he first got hit. It was unfortunate for Peter, but at least he could have realistic reactions to the pain instead of them figuring out he wasn't feeling the pain.

"So, if you're not doing an internship, cause we all know there is no way you got it, where are you going?" The first teenager said, showing off that he was the main bully, the leader of them. Or at least, that's how it was at Peter's orphanage.

"Avengers Tower, lower levels for my internship," Peter answered truthfully, getting a punch in retaliation. Just because Peter wouldn't fight back physically, didn't mean Peter would just let them bully him. Peter always came back with a clever quip, or the truth like what he just said.

"I don't think you do," the teenager said getting to eye level with Peter. The other teens around Peter, three people, grabbed onto each of Peter's arm and held down his feet, pushing him into his knees. The first teenager had a sick look on his face as he started kicking and punching Peter in the face and in the stomach. Peter couldn't do anything, mainly because a person of his size wouldn't be able to pull away from the grip of three people.

After awhile, Peter's bullies got bored and left him alone. Peter had to drag himself to his room all the way down the hall, the abuse making him slightly tired. Peter cleaned up the blood, and almost like magic, his bruises and cuts were all healed up.

Peter decided to go out as Spider-Man, see if he could get some more information on the dragon lady, maybe just a name. Spider-Man ducked out into the cool night, flipping through the air with incredible speed and grace. Spider-Man went back to the warehouse, trying to see if the woman was there. As luck would have it, she was, in the same position as the night before. Spider-Man climbed into the window, flipping into the floor.

"クモを殺す," The woman said, in the same language or a similar one from yesterday. Peter cocked his head in confusion as the woman turned around and walked to the other side of the building.

Spidey sense tingled, making Peter dodge as some force was fixing to ram into him. The force just rolled on the ground, popping back up to face Spider-Man.

Peter couldn't help his shock when he realized it was Harley, his only friend. But this time Harley had black eyes, covering everything like a shadow. Harley held a sword in his hand, wearing a black suit with a short black cape.

"Holy-" Spider-Man couldn't before Harley had swung his sword at Peter, making the teen flip backwards to avoid being hit. Harley just twisted the sword so that it would cut Spider-Man while he was in midair, but Spider-Man was able to spin on the air, landing to the side of the sword.

Harley swung the thin sword in an arc, Spider-Man just jumping above it. It went like that for awhile, Harley swinging the sword like he was doing fence, and Spider-Man flipping and ducking out of the way.

Spider-Man didn't want to hurt Harley, knowing that he was just being mind controlled. Harley was a good person, and a kind one. There was no way that Harley was doing this of his own free will. But how could Peter free Harley without hurting him? Peter could try to attack the woman, but Harley would get in the way of that.

But Peter had an idea. Peter may be over estimating his and Harley's friendship, but if he wasn't, this had to work. All Peter had to do was get away from the woman, if only for a few seconds. 

Spider-Man shot a web upwards, going to one side of the warehouse, at another set of windows, onto a balcony platform that looked inwards. Harley scowled as he ran up the metal stairs to see Spider-Man. Harley started swinging his sword around him as he walked towards Spider-Man, an ominous smile plastered to his face that freaked Peter out more than he would ever admit.

Spider-Man took a quick look at the woman before jumping behind  a pillar so that she couldn't see him. Spider-Man pulled off his mask, showing Harley who he actually was, Peter Parker.

Harley stopped, staring at Peter for a long moment, his sword lowering for a moment. The shadows from his eyes started retracting back to the edges, revealing his blue eyes. Harley's eyes widened at the sight of Peter in the Spider-Man suit, while dropping the sword.

"Stay here, stay safe," Peter said, putting his mask back on as he shot a web on the roof of the warehouse, swinging down to the ground. Spider-Man stopped staring at the face of the dragon, the spider feeling a little insecure at the sight.

"私は名誉を取り戻すだろう," The lady said jumping on the tail of the dragon and walking upwards until she was standing on the head, inbetween the golden horns of the ghostly beast.

"Can I get your villain name, or even better, your real name?" Spider-Man asked with a shrug. The woman scowled instead of answering, jumping off the dragon to be face to face with Spider-Man.

"終わりじゃないぞ クモドラゴンは夜明けに上昇し、あなたは月と共に落ちるでしょう。," The woman said putting her sword in the ground. The dragon came towards them, floating through the lady and Spider-Man. Peter felt strangely empowered by it, but the woman and dragon had disappeared.

Peter looked upwards, seeing Harley stare at him in shock.

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