Sixteenth Chapter

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Harley sat in Peter's room, sitting at his desk in the desk chair. Peter was out in New York as Spider-Man, and Harley was waiting for him. He was only doing that because Harley wasn't sure of Peter going out with his injuries, but he went out anyways, so Harley was going to wait and see if Peter got any more wounds after his escapades.

Harley leaned over the side of the chair, away from the lamp light on the table. Other than the lamp, there wasn't any other source of light. Well, that and maybe the moonlight that filtered in through the ceiling high windows that Harley made sure Peter had because of his alter identity. The roofs were also very high in case Peter wanted to do some gymnastics or whatever he did.

Speaking of windows, one of the windows opened wide to reveal the bloody form of Spider-Man. The superhero pulled off his mask as he stepped onto the ground. Peter grabbed his side, where the blood was soaked in the most. Peter let out a sigh as he removed the top part of his suit to get a better look at the wound.

"Do you need help?" Harley asked, the worry he felt being vivid on his face. Peter looked at Harley in surprise, his Spidey sense not telling him that Harley was there. Peter was worried about that, because that meant he trusted Harley, and Peter hadn't trusted someone in a long time.

"What're you doing here, Harley? Isn't it late?" Peter asked, walking into the bathroom to clean his wound, wetting a white towel to hold to his wound. Harley stood up, walking right behind Peter to help. Peter didn't say anything to him, but that didn't matter since nothing Peter was going to say would help ease Harley's worries or make him feel okay with Peter's wounds.

"You got really injured, and a few days later you're back out in danger. I got worried, and for right reason," Harley said gesturing towards the wound Peter had gotten. It was still bleeding, and it was a blotchy red. Peter turned to look at Harley before grabbing some bandages and wrapping them around his wound. Harley sighed before grabbing the bandages, and doing it for Peter.

"Thanks, Harley, but you don't have to worry about me. I've done this a million times before, and I've gotten wounds like this a million times before," Peter said, grabbing Harley's cheek to get the Stark to stop looking at Peter's various wounds that were healing up as they spoke.

"That's what worries me," Harley said, grabbing Peter's hand to pull it off his face. Peter sighed as he gripped Harley's hand, finding it a little heart warming that someone actually cared about him like that. No one at his orphanage did, them sometimes being the reason he had such disastrous wounds. Peter would even bet that his orphanage didn't even know he was gone, or that they didn't care enough to look for him.

"Let's watch a movie. It'll give my wounds time to heal, and you can watch over me so you don't worry," Peter offered, pulling Harley back into the room. Harley sighed, knowing that this was the only way Peter would actually rest.

Peter grabbed his laptop, putting a movie in, and sat at the edge of his bed. Harley sat down beside him, leaning into his unhurt side, watching the intro roll out. Peter wrapped his arm around Harley, letting him fall asleep on Peter's shoulder.

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