Eightteenth Chapter

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Peter Parker walked out of his school, all by himself with a sigh. Sometimes Peter wished he still had friends. When he was little and in school, Peter had two friends, Ned and MJ. But something must have happened to them, maybe they went to a different school or maybe they became home schooled. But it didn't matter what happened because Peter would probably never see them again.

Peter walked to the Avengers Tower for his internship. It didn't take Peter long to get there, mostly because he was a very fast, probably faster than a normal person. But Peter only jogged there, and maybe a little bit of parkour to get there.

Peter walked into the tower, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked around the tower. It was a large, grand metal structure that ran on the power of a huge arc reactor. Some of the smartest minds ever worked on the floors just over his head. Some of the strongest people had taken the same steps Peter was taken now. It made Peter feel small when he thought about it like that. Moments that he realized that he didn't matter, that there was always gonna be people that were better than him.

Peter sighed again, pushing those thoughts out of his head as he went upstairs to the intern lab, ready to take on any problem the older kids through at him.


Harley sighed, sitting in one of his seats. He wasn't waiting for anything, he was just bored out of his mind. There seemed to be nothing to do, not when most of his family was on a mission and Peter was at school. Harley wanted to work on the AI he and Peter were making, but he couldn't bring himself to do it without Peter.

Harley stood up, deciding to go to his and his father's lab to get some sort of work done. Maybe he would make a suit, or maybe he would just make some stupid invention that his father could sell for Stark Industries.

Harley walked down the hallway, passing the pictures and posters on the walls. They seemed familiar because they were on basically every wall, but they didn't seem prominent to anyone. They were just decorations that nobody paid attention to, but for once in his life, Harley did look over them, reading the colorful and bold words. All the posters were of the different items Stark Industries sold, while the pictures were just important places and people to Stark Industries.

Harley smiled coming to the lab's door, grabbing the handle and turning. He opened the door a crack, but stopped when he heard his father's voice. "It's funny how fate brought you here, but it isn't funny why."

"I don't understand, Mr. Stark," The voice of Peter replied. Harley almost opened the door completely, but he wanted to wait to see what his father's answer would be. Harley didn't understand what his father said either, even though Tony wasn't talking to Harley.

"Harley wasn't shy, exactly, but he didn't like the life he had. He didn't think anyone liked him for who he was, and for right reasons with his last name," Tony said, making Harley gasp quietly, he didn't know his dad knew what it was like for him. "But over the past few days, me and the team have seen the way you two interact, and I have to say thank you."

"It's no problem. Harley is a great person, and if people will get to know him, they'll see he is a high quality friend," Peter said with a small laugh making Harley blush. "But those people just have to remember he's mine."

Tony laughed, making Harley blush even more. He actually felt a lot better after listening to that, hearing how his father and boyfriend saw him. It made Harley happy that he basically deceived the most important people in his life.

"Well, you should get back to your work. I hope you like this lab better than the intern lab," Tony said, and Harley heard his seat squeal as it went across the room. Peter just hummed in response, and Harley heard metal hitting each other.

Harley just had to smile as he went back to his room, ecstatic that his father and boyfriend got along. Hopefully, this would last.

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