Twenty Nineth Chapter

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"You did it!" Harley said, wrapping his arms around Peter who just laughed. Peter leaned his head down into Harley's shoulder, feeling tired and worn out. But Harley was perfectly fine with holding up the mighty Spider-Man.

"Aww! You two are adorable!" Wanda called, leaning into Vision who had a much larger stamina than everyone else there. The comment just had Harley blushing while Peter raised up a thumbs up, making Wanda laugh along with Sam and Rhodney. Tony was just giving a large grin, with Vision giving a small smile towards the scene.

"Uh, I have this. It dropped down, scaring everyone down there like this was still the real life dragon," Harley said raising up the knife. Peter didn't even look up at it, but Wanda used her magic to bring it towards Tony who studied it carefully.

"We need to trap it in time or something. When the moon rises, the dragon could come back out and fight. That's not something we want happening, you know," Tony said, turning it around in his hands to get the full detail from it.

"You do that, I'm going to sleep," Peter said, leaning upward, and walking away with a yawn. Harley laughed, running up to walk beside his lover. Peter wrapped his arm around Harley's shoulder, pulling the smaller one towards him.

"They are so adorable!" Wanda commented one last time as the pair disappeared down into the Tower. She turned back to Vision, seeing his eyes light up. They only did that when FRIDAY or some AI Tony had messaged him about something.

"FRIDAY wishes to inform Mister Stark that they already had their first kiss, and that she will be autosaving it to 'Harley's First Love' file," Vision said, looking over Wanda's head to talk to Tony. Wanda just clapped her hands, imaging the cuteness that would have come out of that.

Tony smirked, stepping on something so his suit automatically came off. He looked around his teammates, finding all their eyes before laughed, his smirk still shining. "I should probably rename that to 'Harley's Only Love'."

The others laughed, Wanda and Sam agreeing as they walked back into the Tower, talking about the fight that happened. Wanda scolded them for getting in so much trouble, but Tony scolded her for not being in a safer spot, with some form of protection to guard herself. 

Vision was the only one to go check on the Avengers on the ground level. The others had all went to sleep, saying the fight took everything out of them, except Tony who left to see someone. Vision promised Wanda he would be back up soon, and went to check on the ground level Avengers.

"Everything is fine down here. The cops are trying to get traffic started again, and were just helping clean up. Thankfully, you guys kept the damage to a minimum, so we don't have much longer before we head back up," Steve said with a smile, looking behind him to survey the scene.

"Is there any task you require my assistance with, Captain Rodgers?" Vision asked, looking around himself. Things were going really smoothly, better than most incidents that needed the Avengers. Any small change could mess it all up, which is why Vision asked.

"We're good, Vision. But if you really want to help, can you go up and make snacks? When we get done, I'm sure everyone will be hungry," Steve said, looking at Clint, Bucky, and Thor. They would definitely be the hungry ones, no doubt about it.

"Will do, Captain Rodgers," Vision said, floating upwards, flying into the Tower, probably freaking people out. Steve sighed, not knowing if he would ever understand the era he was in. But he didn't need to understand the era to help people, Steve knew as he got back to work.


In the end, Peter was allowed to stay at the Tower. He went to therapy with Sam, getting over what happened at the house, the dragon, and stuff before all that. It was really helpful for Peter, letting him actually get sleep and lessen his anxiety and panic attacks.

Spider-Man was doing better now that he had an AI. He and Harley constantly made the suit better, hanging out as their love grew even deeper than before, as impossible as that should have been.

Harley was getting more open with his family, learning to trust them even more. They still embarrassed him, but they knew their limits, and they knew Harley's limits as well.

At the moment, Harley was laying in bed, snuggled into Peter who was already half asleep. But he opened his eyes when Harley started talking. "Can you believe everything happened just because I made up an excuse to hang out with you?"

"That seems like years ago, even though it was probably just a year ago," Peter laughed, pulling Harley closer towards him with his arm. Peter turned so he could put his chin on top of Harley's head. "Goodnight."

Harley smiled, feeling the warmth all around him. He closed his own eyes, falling asleep almost as Peter did. Harley knew that FRIDAY would take a picture, but he didn't care as sleep held him captive.


man, i loved writing this Book
it was a long book but it was a fun One
this isn't the Only book i've written 
and the readers in this are so Kind
Thanks for the help
this Would not happen without all of you, and you know that
Oh, i'm so happy i wrote this :)

well, the end?

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