Twenty Seventh Chapter

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Trigger Warning for that kiss No_Money_No_Honey

"We just have to wait for the sunrise, then the dragon will stop fighting. But she did say it will stay so... Who knows what will happen? But at least we have a goal," Harley said, watching his family run down the hall to have a quick fight with a dragon. Harley was standing in front of Peter who was sitting on the couch, taking in a moment to rest. Peter wasn't ready to be moving around so much, but he didn't really have an option.

"Yeah," Peter murmured, taking in a deep breath of cool air. It was a lot colder in the living room than the hallway, but it wasn't as cold as the medical room before the dragon. It was a bit of a perfect balance, more cold than warm but not completely so. The kind of temperature Peter loved.

"Are you okay? I know you aren't in the best condition, and something could have happened. How long were you in the smoke?" Harley asked, talking a mile a minute as he got on his knees to look directly at Peter.

"Physically, I believe I'm fine," Peter said with a smile, noticing how the pain from before was melting away. Peter was feeling better as each second passed, a new energy settling in his bones as he wanted to help. But he knew Harley would never let him go back in.

"How are you... mentally?" Harley asked quietly, closing his eyes as new memories surfaced in his head. It had been a month and half in HYDRA's control for Peter, a month and half where any terrible thing could have happened.

"I'll be okay. One day, but for now, I have you. And your probably the reason I made it out alive," Peter smiled, grabbing Harley's chin, lifting it up so they were eye to eye. Harley felt a blush settle on his cheeks, because he was more or less the same as the day they first met.

"What do you mean by that?" Harley asked, his stomach twisting around as his brain came up with explanations for what he meant. Some good, some bad, and some he didn't want to think about again.

"When I was there, memories were a funny thing. I couldn't exactly remember anything before that point, and I can't remember much from being there. That will change eventually, I think, but in the moments in that building, all I could remember was my love for you," Peter said slowly, staring deeply into Harley's eyes as Harley blushed even deeper.

"I-I love you, t-too," Harley said, cursing his stuttering. He didn't realize how much he loved Peter until that moment, and it scared him. Harley never thought he would love someone as much as he loved Peter, and now that he did, he was scared out of his wits. But Harley was okay with being scared, because he was also happy. And nothing was going to make Harley stop loving Peter, Harley wouldn't allow it.

Peter just smiled, looking down before leaning in to kiss Harley. It was soft, not quick or slow. It was magical, and perfect for Harley, and he forgot about everything else, including the dragon that was just outside the tower while they were having a heart to heart.

Peter pulled back, staring at the blushing red Harley. It was like all the blood Harley had rushed up to his cheeks, leaving him to look like he was on fire. Peter just smiled, his cheeks being a soft pink, unlike Harley's tomato look.

"I'm going to go help them," Peter said quietly, looking at the hallway as the air around them got hotter. The flames were starting to come towards them, and that meant the Avengers needed help.

"Wait, you're still hurt," Harley said, standing up as he waved his hands to stop Peter. Even though Harley also felt the change, he didn't think the best thing for the situation was to go help. The Avengers could figure it out without a hurt teenager, right?

"I'm healing up as we speak. Plus, if they need help, and I can help, it's my responsibility to do just that, help," Peter said, grabbing onto his mask that he set on the couch beside him. He stood up, setting his mask on.

"Wait! I have something for you," Harley said, reaching into his pocket to pull out a small, black spider symbol. Peter grabbed onto it confused as Harley explained how to put it on.

Peter did just that, and watched the suit expand over his body with nanotechnology. A red and black spider suit, that somehow fit Peter to a tee. Peter looked at his hands, watching some sort of technology pop up on the screen.

"I put our AI in it, I was working on it before everything happened between us. I finished it while you were in surgery. But don't worry, I haven't named her yet," Harley said, as the screen in front of Peter brought up all known information on the teenage boy.

"Well, KAREN, let's go help the Avengers," Peter said, lifting his mask up to kiss Harley on the cheek, watching the tomatoes  darken in color. Peter shoved his mask down, running into the fire, leaving the blushing mess named Harley in the living room.

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