Chapter 6: Haren

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After the storm died down, Haren and the others had a slow, but calm trip. They arrived at the island around ten o'clock after about three and a half days at sea.

The six of them wished Bira and Dain safe travels. Standing on the shore until the ship disappeared over the horizon.

Shortly after their arrival on the warm, sandy beach, Haren noticed movment in the trees of the forest behind them. Instinctively, he prepared to cast a spell. Placing himself in front of the others, he turned to see a tall, hooded figure emerging from the greenery. They looked to be unarmed, and Haren couldn't sense them using mana, so he relaxed himself. Canceling the spell he was about to cast.

The figure wore a black cloak that covered them down to their knees, a sapphire blue dress about the same length, and dark brown boots that stopped just below the bottom of the skirt.

"Welcome, mages," The figure said. From the sound of their voice, Haren guessed it was a girl.

"Are you the mage the princess told us about?" Silver asked.

They nodded," Let's talk more once we get back to the house. I don't like being out in the sun for too long."

Haren was the first to approach the person, and the others followed behind him.

The figure led them silently and swiftly through the trees. After a short distance, they emerged in a large, grassy field. An equally large house stood at the center.

It looked to be about two stories tall, and was surrounded by a stone brick fence about three feet in height. 

The person leading them opened the gate, let them pass through the fence, then quickly closed the gate again behind them before leading everyone to the house.

The grass around the building was dotted with various colorful flowers and other plants. Even parts of the house itself had flowering ivy growing on it.

The dark double doors of the house opened to an open living room area. There were two spiral staircases leading up to a second floor, and a fireplace sat between them. A set of two red couches and armchairs had been set around the darkly colored fire. Above, a large and intricate looking chadelier hung from the tall ceiling. Lending ample light to the room along with the windows high on the walls.

A number of lanterns lined the hall above them, and two halls led to rooms on either side of the one they were standing in.

"Well? Don't just stand there. Come sit down," The person walked over to the worn looking red armchair to the left of the fireplace and sat down. Pulling off their cloak as they did.

Haren and the others followed suit. The boys sitting on one couch, and the girls on the other.

Now that she wasn't wearing her hood, Haren could clearly see the woman that had led them here.

She looked to be on the younger side. Maybe around thirty or so, and she had long, white hair with various light and dark blue streaks in it. Her eyes were an odd shade of bright pink and her skin was as pale as you could get. It was no wonder she didn't like being out in the sun for long. She must get sunburn easily.

"So, I'm sure you have questions," She said, crossing her legs," I'll answer them, but first, let's start with introductions. I'm Riniya Zestari," Pointing to Silver, who was sitting closest to her, she continued," Next, you."

"Silver Nova. This is Fila," Silver gestured to his owl familiar perched on his shoulder.

Haren, who was sitting beside Silver, went next," I'm Haren Kotamine. My familiar's Rala."

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