Chapter 26: nephinae

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After getting ready, I walked with Luna down to the guild hall, a tall building near the center of town. Even before opening the double doors, I could hear loud chatter coming from inside. I opened the door to find the interior looked a lot like an inn. There were tables and chairs scattered around the main floor and a staircase led up to a second floor in the back. On the wall to my right was a large brown board with a number of papers pinned to it. Opposite the door was a desk with two women standing by it. One was an older lookin elf with black hair tied up in a neat bun, while the other I recognized as Lynari. Her bright hair was hard to miss. The two women were chatting together, but looked up when I walked over.

"You came!" Lynari seemed genuinely surprised to see me.

"I told you I would think about it, and I did," I shrugged," my answer is yes."


"I will need to register with the guild though," I added, turning to the receptionist," can you help me with that?"

"Of course, ma'am. I'd be happy to help," the receptionist grinned, pulling a sheet of paper from under the desk," if you can fill out any of the information on this form, I can help you with the next step. Oh, and you don't need to fill out everything, but your name is the minimum amount of information we need for your registry."

"Alright." I took the sheet and quill she handed me and read over the form. I wrote down my name before handing it back.

"Thank you very much," the receptionist grinned," the next step is creating your guild card. You'll be registered as a rank one, or E rank adventurer to start out. As you do jobs, your rank will go up, and you'll be able to do more difficult requests."

"Ok. That makes sense," I nodded."

"Please keep your card on you at all times as it is valid at every adventurers guild. You also need to show your card when taking a job," the receptionist explained, handing me a copper colored tag on a chain," there is a small fee to get your card replaced, but please try to keep track of it."

"I will," I took the tag and shoved it in my coat pocket.

"Now that you're registered with the guild, we can make a party!" Lynari grinned.

"Who will the party leader be?" The receptionist asked, pulling out another sheet of paper.

"Lynari," I answered, putting my hand on Luna's head.

"M-Me? I thought you were gonna do it," Lynari said," b-but if you really want me to, I'll do it,"

"Alright then, I'll put down miss Lynari's name for party leader. The only other thing is a party name. However, this is not something you need to choose right away," the receptionist said," you're all set. Please let me know if I can be of assistance with anything else."

"Thanks. I was actually thinking of taking a new job today. Have any you recommend?" Lynari replied.

"There aren't many for parties. Just some odd jobs, nothing you'd probably be interested in."

While the two girls continued their chat, I took a look at some of the papers posted up on the board nearby. When I read the descriptions, I found that many of them were simple jobs like herb gathering. A few closer to the desk seemed a bit more interesting. One that particularly caught my eye was a job with the words 'escort quest' written on top. The reward was 20 silver and the job seemed simple enough.

"Can we do this one, Lynari?" I asked, pointing to the paper.

"I'm sorry, that's a D rank quest. Your current rank is too low."

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