chapter two

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Ever since the Maximoffs parents died, Olive has grown used to the darkness that seemed to surround her. It wasn't a metaphor, though, it was very literal.

She noticed that with a simple thought, she could control the darkness around her. The only issue was that it was brought out by pain. The only thing painful enough, so far, was the thought of her parents' deaths.

It's been years since the apartment was destroyed. Since the innocent children lost their parents. Since their lives changed forever.

Olive has grown up now, so her siblings gave her much more freedom than she got when she was younger. She was thankful for that, but she couldn't help but notice that they still treated her like their younger sibling. Through age, that never changed.

Now, she got to wander alone a lot more than she did before, as she was doing right now. It was sort of a routine. Olive would walk around Sokovia by herself for a bit, a few hours later she would walk to a 'home' that was given by the government to see her siblings doing their own things, usually one of them was making dinner.

Olive was on her way home taking in the view of Sokovia at night, as it was very beautiful. While others might not have seen it the way she did, due to the mess it was in, she could always find the beauty of it. She made it to her apartment, the door was rusted and paint chipped around the walls, and she opened the door to see Wanda and Pietro sitting on the couch. Around them were a few men that she didn't recognize. Oh?

Olive's heart rate picked up as she watched them converse. She heard only her heartbeat. The words they spoke were dead silent to her, and the darkness behind her seemed to grow.

Wanda and Pietro had noticed it. The darkness, that is. They found it strange how whenever Olive got upset, or felt any sort of negative emotion for that matter, that the darkness in the room seemed to grow. They were smart enough not to comment on it.

"What's going on?" Olive asked, the dark fog that hazed her mind grew. All of the men as well as her siblings turned to look at her. One in particular looked at her and then put a big smile on his face. "Hello! I'm Dr. Strucker, as most call me. You must be Olive." The man started, and Olive felt herself nearly lose her balance as she shuffled backward.

Olive could see an evil gleam in his eyes, and she already didn't like him at all.

"Your siblings have signed you up for some experiments we will be doing together. Safe experiments, mind you. By the end of it, I'm sure you will be very pleased with your results." Strucker finished, he almost swore he saw a shrinking shadow behind the girl, but no one else seemed to notice.

"Results?" Olive questioned, although she meant to keep that as a thought rather than a question.

"Yes! We will inform you on how this is going to work out when we get to my office." He nodded, taking a step forward. He knew he was making Olive uncomfortable, and he enjoyed it.

"Okay..." Olive said with a fake smile. Everyone knew it was fake.

"Pack your bags and we'll meet you outside." One of the other men said with a very stern voice, sending shivers down the girl's spine.

The men left and Olive instantly looked to her siblings. The twins could see the fear rising back to her face. "Why are we doing this? And... what are we even doing?" She asked, her hands shook furiously by her sides. She didn't like how they made this decision without her, no sane person would.

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