Chapter 18: Stargazing

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Today when I woke up I got dressed and then went downstairs and got breakfast. I was greeted by Link and Lily already eating. I asked Lily what day it was. Turns out today was Saturday which meant that the kids and Link didn't need to go to school or work.

I finished my breakfast and then ran upstairs and then heard a person at the door. I ran down the stairs and saw a lady standing there with two boys Lando and Lincoln's age. I asked Link who they were and he said that the lady was one of Lincoln's and Lando's friend and the boys were going to her house for the day.

"Yay. Girls day for Lily and I," I told Link and Lily. Lily and I just laughed and so did Link. We both ran up to Lilys room and played with her things. I went and grabbed my laptop and my ipad. Lily went on my ipad. I decided to read some Rhett and Link fanfics.

Even thought Link was my dad that didn't mean that I couldn't read fanfics about them.

The fanfic that I am going to write is not written by me. It was written by a great writer by the name of Isra Morinehtar on Archive Of Our Own. It is a website that you can write fanfics on and then share them with the world. Isra has many fanfics and I have read every one of them. They are great and I encourage you to read them all.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you, Stargazing by Isra Morinehtar.

Rhett texted Link on Sunday night: Happy Birthday! Busy?

A minute later Link replied: Not especially. Just put kids to bed. What's up?

Rhett: Can you get away for a few hours? Got a surprise for you.

A longer delay, then: Um. Sure?

Great. Pick you up in 15.

Rhett pulled into Link's driveway ten minutes later. His friend stood up from where he'd been waiting on the porch, clad in jeans and sandals and his dark blue Pluto t-shirt. He walked over and climbed into the passenger seat, then fixed Rhett with a bemused expression. "Am I gonna like this surprise?"

Rhett patted him heartily on the thigh before turning to back out of the driveway. "Of course, brother! It's your birthday, I wouldn't give you something you didn't like."

Link snorted dubiously. "Do I get a hint?"

"Well, I'll tell ya right now it's not a pony."

"Aw, man," Link mock-whined.

"You wouldn't want a pony anyway. You know how much those things eat?"

"Yeah, you're probably right. So... where are we going?"

Rhett grinned over at him, pleased with himself. "You'll see when we get there."

"Oh, fine."

Rhett turned on the radio and they made small talk over the music. They drove north on Route 5 for half an hour or so, then Rhett took an exit onto a small suburban street. After a short time the neighborhoods thinned out and they were driving past large swaths of darkness. They started climbing foothills and dipping into valleys as the road narrowed. They only rarely saw another car.

Link fidgeted, craning his neck to try to read the passing signs for clues. "Where on earth are we going? Are you taking me to a remote location to murder me or something?"

Rhett laughed. "Well, it's a remote location. But you'll survive, I promise."

They finally pulled off the road and crunched onto a small, empty dirt parking lot. Their headlights swept over a small sign proclaiming "Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve - Closed at Sunset." Link let out a small "oh!" of surprise. "I've been wanting to check this place out! But in the daylight, obviously. It's closed now."

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