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【 T W O 】

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i can feel my cheeks burning as i realized how close Levi's face on mine. he's currently medicating the wounds he caused after beating me up. he just caused me two broken teeth, bleeding gums, three wounds on my cheek and my jaw was about to break, if I wasn't regenerating.

"Why did you have to beat me up, just going to say that you're going to watch Eren and me huh? You almost killed Eren."

i rolled my eyes while questioning him about the commotion a while ago. he just kept his stern, serious and cold face while curing the blood dripping from my wounds. i looked at Eren who is now sleeping soundly on a bed and can't help but to feel sorry for him. we both know that we don't want to change into something monstrous like the titans.

we're working for Survey Corps, we're killing our own nature.

"Stop looking at Eren, just look at me, idiot."

i turned my head again to face Levi as he continued his work on my face. i can't help but to feel the butterflies in my stomach because since i entered here, i've been captivated by his silver eyes. i don't know but it's just probably an infatuation, the usual admiration for someone. of course, i'm a half human, i have feelings.

"Why are you blushing, brat?"

my eyes go wide after hearing his words. am i really blushing? dammit. i pulled away from his touch before standing up.

"Hey, I'm not yet done with—"

"I-I'm going to be fine, Captain. I can regenerate on my own."

i saw Hanji on the door so i waved at her before she waved back at me. i grabbed my things before heading towards the door before Levi catch up with me by holding my wrist.


i looked at him before i looked at his right hand holding my left wrist. i can't help but to feel my heart beating so fast again, even his hands are so soft. for a clean addict like him, this is rare having a nice pair of hands after such cleaning.

"W-Why?" why the fuck am i stuttering?

"Uhm...sorry for hurting you...and Eren. I just got lost control a while ago. I—"

i gave out a genuine smile at him. "It's fine, Captain. I know you're shocked at my true identity but you still chose at taking responsibility of me and Eren."

"No problem."

he scratched the back of his neck before blushing a little and turning away his gaze from me.

"A-And thank you...for saving me from that aberrant, Y/N."

"I told you, it's fine. You're welcome. I...I gotta go now."

i chuckled a bit while watching his cute pink cheeks. he's too adorable and i can't help but to stare at him. he's probably the best looking person here in Survey Corp aside from Eren, Jean, Connie and Armin. they're all handsome but Levi is different. his adorability is something unique. and even though he's cold sometimes, he still got a soft spot.

which probably what i like about him.

"Yeah right. Take care."

"Hmmm but..." i don't know if i'm going to blush or just laugh at his cuteness. 

"But what?"

i looked at his hand holding my wrist before smiling at him.

"Oh shoot. Sorry."

i waved goodbye at him before heading towards the door but Hanji immediately anchored her arms at mine causing me to stumble a bit while walking. as usual, she back on her energetic and funny self.

"Captain Y/N..."


"You know what, this is the first time that Levi treated a girl like that. I mean, this is my first time seeing him blushing like a mad man, and making him talk that long! Without the "brat" or "idiot" remarks."

i chuckled at Hanji as we both reached my room. i entered first before jumping on my bed. i'm so tired and my body still aches.

"He's probably...friendly but he doesn't want to show it to you, Hanji."

Hanji laughed at my comment before laying beside me while holding a book and reading it upside down. 

"No, he's not born friendly Y/N. But I have a gut feel. I got a theory."

"Hmm? And what is it?"

i suddenly got interested at our conversation so i sat at my bed while looking at Hanji while turning her book pages even though it's upside down. she's really crazy. she stopped from what she's doing after she heard my words so she sat in front of me too before she snatched both of my hands.


she trailed off. she's trying to make a thrill again.

"...maybe Shorty likes you."

T W O 

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