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【 T H I R T E E N 】

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T H I R T E E N 


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i saw Levi calling me but i just ignored him, instead i started attacking the titans. in just a minute, i already killed four of them. i landed on a roof before checking my gas, its still on it's maximum amount, thank God. i saw how my comrades attack, i saw how they kill titans and i saw how they are getting killed. i closed my eyes as i shook my thoughts out of my mind before getting back on the battle.

i flew from roof to roof, trying to offense but at the same time, defensing and trying to dodge from the titans' sudden attack. we spotted an aberrant and to lessen casualties, i immediately slashed its neck, using my other soldier as a bait but luckily, he didn't get eaten. i heard Erwin calling my name so i immediately fly to their roof. Hanji, Levi and Mike soon landed after me. i felt Levi slapped my head so i winced.

"What was that for?!"

"For ignoring my call at you. You can get eaten, stupid!"

"But I didn't!"

"I have a plan."

i rolled my eyes at Levi before listening to Erwin's plan.

"We have no choice but no retreat and thus, many of our soldiers are already dead. Let us evacuate the area. Thus, Y/N already covered the hole so it's now subtracted on our missions. Our only goal now is to leave the area but let's still try our best to wipe out all of the titans."

"But what are we gonna do on the other hole?" i asked.

"We will just block it on the next miss---"

"No! I'm pretty sure that this might be the situation on our next expedition so why not cover the hole now? If you want, I will be the one to cover it so you can take Eren with you and escape faster. I'll just follow."

Erwin paused for a second, probably thinking on what i said at him. he slowly nodded his head but i heard Levi's protest on my side so i just threw him a death glare. as if he could do something to stop me and plus, Erwin already agreed on my proposal.

we then now proceeded on telling our soldiers to evacuate the area as we try to hold the titans on place. i saw Mikasa and Eren holding off some of the titans but i told them immediately to leave the place. as they were busy fighting off titans, i transformed into my titan with only one goal on my mind again, to block the hole. to block the hole. to block the hole. a loud explosion surprised everybody again and a yellow lightning.

i started to place myself into the hole before starting to harden myself but to no avail, i had a hard time doing it and a swarm titans are now running towards us again. i saw Hanji run off the place as fear and nervous started to creep into my veins, making me harder to focus on what i'm doing. i started to cry but i still didn't let my guard down, the hardened skin on already on my near torso.

Levi landed on my big nose, tapping my left eye so i looked at him as i slowly shook my head. i will not make it in time. the titans are now approaching us, faster than before. Levi kept shouting words at me but i didn't mind listening to it anymore. i just cried harder when i felt my hardening on my bust, near on my titan's neck.

"Please Levi, just leave me here. I don't want you to die with me."

"Y/N, please! Harden yourself faster! I know you can hear me! You fucking harden yourself faster because I'm not going out of this fucking place without you, motherfucker! Fuck it! Make it faster!"

"I cannot, Levi. Please, just go."

"I'm not going without you, Y/N! Shit! Shit! Shit! Come on, Y/N, you can do it! Fuck that idea! I knew it! I shouldn't have let you do that! I'm going to kill Erwin for agreeing with that stupid idea of yours, goddammit!"

"I'm a captain and it's my job to save humanity, so please, leave me alone."

i saw Hanji flew on my face, tugging Levi's arm and telling him to leave me be. i also noticed her tears as she tried to take Levi away from me. i saw how Levi cry, i heard how he cursed, i heard how to begged me to harden myself faster but i already lose control and i can't make my hardening faster since i'm losing energy. 

"Levi, let's go! The titans are getting nearer!"

"Levi, run! Fly without me! Listen to Hanji."

"There's no way in hell I'm going to leave Y/N here! Fuck off Four-Eyes, fuck off! I can hold them off! I will hold them off so back off! I will not leave without Y/N!"

"But Levi---"

"You heard me, Hanji!"

"But try listening at me for once! I'm not just a damn person here, Levi! I'm a captain too!"

Hanji slapped Levi hard in the face, causing him to let of me as he caressed his cheek. Hanji used that opportunity to carry Levi on her back, trying to get away from me as fast as sh could.

when Hanji finally took Levi away from me, i saw how she dashed back to the wall, leaving me alone as soon the titans lounged on me but i know that they are too late. 

i cried and cried, trying to recall all of my memories with Levi. since i was a cadet when i first noticed him, on my first expedition when he saved me from a titan, when i got promoted as a captain, when i saved him from an aberrant, when i tried to decline his request on being his assistant, when he first kissed me.

when we became lovers.

it's too bad, i haven't heard him saying, "I love you too", before i die.

"I love you, Levi. I always do."


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