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【 S E V E N 】

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S E V E N 


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i woke up early at 5 in the morning. today is my first training for my titan powers. i immediately took a bath before wearing my survey corp. uniform, without the cloak. i stormed out of the room and then i saw Hanji at the Mess Hall. she waved her hands and i didn't hesitate to get my food before sitting beside her.

the mess hall is still quiet and it's just the two of us because the cadets are usually waking up at 6. with Eren's case, he don't have the titan training today, probably because they want to focus on me first. i don't know the things that i can do when i'm on my titan form. when i wake up from unconsciousness, i don't remember the things that i did.

they are just glimpse.

"Hey Y/N, you ready for today?"

i munched my food first before nodding at her. i turned my gaze around to find no sign of Levi Ackerman. is he asleep? no, let me rephrase, does he sleep? does he know how to close his eyes and have a dream? does he even know how to snore?

"Are you looking for Levi?"

i blushed at Hanji's question at me. i just nodded at her before taking a spoonful of my food again.

"He's doing paperwork and he don't sleep! HAHAHAHAHA that's why he's short!"

i laughed at her comment before she turned serious. she grabbed both of my hands so i was forced to stop from eating.

"Are the rumors true? You're Levi's personal assistant?!"

"Uhmm yeah. Unfortunately." Fortunately.

"But why did you accepted it? That's rare for Levi to hire an assistant. Everyone thought that he could do everything without someone's help. But well, that's nice. It's a progress."

i un-cautiously choked on my food. "P-progress?! Progress o-on what?"

Hanji smirked before letting go of my hands.

"On your relationship status. I'm pretty sure that Levi likes you—"

"Oi brat, you woke up early."

Hanji and I stopped communicating and we saw a bored Levi with his tray of food in his hands. i immediately blushed when he looked at me so i averted my gaze. i dont know, i'm his personal assistant but the awkwardness is in the air.

"Y-yes. I have a training."

he sat beside me before started munching his food. my heart started beating so fast and my whole body started shaking because Levi is so closed to me and his elbow is brushing against my left arm.

"Levi, you and Y/N are so...close."

i gave Hanji an annoyed look but Levi just ignored her remark. he just continued eating and i just finished my food before standing up, wanting to place my tray of food in the counter but Levi held my wrist before dragging me down, causing me to sit again.


"B-But, I was—" i was cut off by him again.

"Hanji brat, better go first at the training room. Y/N and I will just follow you."

"Yes, Levi. Eat well you two."

Hanji winked at me before standing up and clean her mess before walking out of the mess hall. Levi and I just sat into silence, no one dared to start a conversation. i just started to count my hair as i waited for Levi to finish his food so we can now proceed to the training room.

"What are you talking about with Hanji?"

i looked at Levi who is currently taking a spoonful of his food.

"She just asked me if I'm now your assistant and I said yes."

"I thought that you don't want to be my assistant."

i chuckled slighty. "I didn't say I didn't wanted to be your assistant. I said that I'm just going to think about it first but you still hired me without me agreeing first."

he took his last bite of food before he wiped his mouth with his hanky but i noticed that there is still mess left in his cheek. i grabbed a tissue as i folded it in half first.

"Atleast I—"

i cut him off as i wiped his cheek with a tissue. our faces are so closed to each other and i saw that he blushed a little bit and he froze in his position.

"O-Oi brat!"

"There's a stain left on your cheek."

i pocketed the tissue before smiling at him. he looked so cute when he blush. i can't help but to admire him first. i looked at my watch and i saw that it's already 5:30 in the morning.

"We should probably go to Han—"

"You're so cute."


i immediately blushed before looking away from him. did i hear it right? did he just say that i'm cute. i think i can die now—joke.

"Nah, I said we should go now."

then he started dragging me by my wrist again as we stormed out of the mess hall, proceeding to the training grounds. i took a deep breath as i stare at his back, with his broad shoulders and muscles covered by his shirt.

how did i end up falling in love with him? how did the hell can he make my heart beat so fast? and how the hell did he kissed me yesterday?

last but not the least, how did i end up falling in love with someone who doesn't like me back?


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