Chapter One

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Chapter One

Picture of Adele above ^^

Princess Adele's POV

Looking into the mirror in front of me, I sighed. I saw a fairly pretty girl with long light brown hair and a nice face. But I also saw girl who has seen the sun, but never truly felt it's warmth. I saw the girl who has never dipped her toes in a clear pond. I saw the girl who could never step foot outside for the fear that an evil and cruel man would take her away and use her as a game piece.

That man was Rumpelstiltskin. A very long time ago, when my mother was pregnant with me, she fell very ill. It was soon apparent that someone had cursed her and my father, being the king, had his men fetch Rumpelstiltskin. Since he had put a curse on my mother, he could fix it. But of course, he wanted to make a deal with my father.

The deal was my mother would live, and she would give birth to the princess. However, Rumpelstiltskin knew I would have good magic because of all the magical treatments tried on my mother. My father agreed, thinking that he would just make me live my entire life in his castle. And that is why I am here today. Stuck inside this prison I call home. But everyday, I beg my father to let me outside, and everyday he says the same thing...


"No Adele. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to explain this to you; It is to dangerous! Now go to your room, I have to take care of a trouble maker" My father boomed.

I trudged away from my father, but not going to my bedroom, I'm always there. Instead I went to the empty room right by the dungeon. This room may have been dangerous to be in if we actually had prisoners, but we never did. And so I grabbed my bow and some arrows, set up a target and started shooting. Practicing was the only time I felt free. When I was practicing I felt confident and tough. I wish I was always like that but I never knew if I was. Since I didn't have any friends or anyone to talk to

I was done there by myself when I heard a voices. I saw my father's men bringing a boy, around my age, down the steps. I hid around the corner but peeked my head out to watch them. I saw them throw the boy in a cell not far from where I was practicing. I watched as the boy gripped the bars of the cell promising that his boys will get him out. The guards shrugged their shoulders and went back up the narrow staircase.

When the guards left, I ignored the his swearing and went right back to shooting my arrows. Hitting the target in the middle every time. Until one time I missed and was distracted by the sound of the church bells from the village.

"You missed, Princess." The boy mocked. I turned towards him, looked him right in the eye, cocked my head a little and drew my bow. I sent the arrow flying towards the target and it hit it, dead center.

"Did I miss that time?" I asked, mocking the tone of confidence in his voice.

He raised one eyebrow and smirked, "No Princess Adele, you didn't."

"How do you know who I am," I asked, quite surprised he knew me. "My father wouldn't ever tell you about me."

He laughed and said, "Of course he didn't, your father cares too much about your safety. But I've heard of you. Rumpelstiltskin has mentioned wanting to get you before. He says you have magic. Now that is something I always want more of."

"What kind of person are you if you talk to that evil man?" I questioned. Rumpelstiltskin was a horrible person and could trick even the smartest people.

"Ah, my princess, I am Peter. Peter Pan." I ignored the flutter in my heart when he said his name. But since I had never had anyone talk to me, let alone a boy, it couldn't be helped. Still, Peter Pan was a very familiar name. I had heard about him and his Lost Boys. Free as birds, living their lives as they choose. Something I've always wanted.

"And Peter, why did you come here?" The words just came out of my mouth.

He came to the front of cell and looked down at me, for I had moved closer and closer until the bars pressed against my dress. He smiled a evil smile and moved his lips.

"I came for you, and not just your magic."

"What?" I gasped. Me? What? I forgot my manners and everything. Why would he want me? Well, besides my magic. Peter chucked and my surprised face.

"I came to free you, my princess Adele."



I'm sorry if it is really bad or anything but I'm not the greatest writer and I happen to love writing.. doesn't really make sense haha..

Thanks for reading this!


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