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"Bye smuck, love you" I told Devon before he hung up our FaceTime call.
"Love you too baby girl" he told me in a smooth tone.

Devon is at a hotel in the Hamptons right now while I'm at home doing school work as always

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Devon is at a hotel in the Hamptons right now while I'm at home doing school work as always. Devon is a model and somewhat a rapper. He's not all that good, but I gotta be his support 100%.

Me and Devon had been dating for almost 3 years now. We've been through a lot, but we tend to look past a lot of things.....well, at least he does.

I then seen a notification pop up on my phone.
Bestie Westie🤞🏽👻: Haiii bihhhh!!!
>> hey sis😂
Bestie Westie 🤞🏽👻: Whatchu been up to girl?
>> nun missin my baby like crazy🥺
Bestie Westie🤞🏽👻: Aww pooh😭but sis I got sum to tell u🤦🏽‍♀️
>> wassuh
Bestie Westie 🤞🏽👻: I'll be over in a second
>> kk😘

I sat my phone on the bed and went to take a shower before Clarissa showed up.

*15 minutes later*

I came out the bathroom & almost died from a heart attack. When I came out wrapped in only my towel, sitting there on my bed was Clarissa taking selfies.

 When I came out wrapped in only my towel, sitting there on my bed was Clarissa taking selfies

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"Girl wtf !" I yelled at her while still catching my breath.

"Your door was open bih, so I helped myself in" she laughed.

"Yeah because I forgot to lock it today when I went to the store" I explained.

"Girl put on some clothes so we can talk" she told me with a smirk on her face.

I had finally got dressed, so you know what that means.....TEA TIME!!!☕️

"So girlllll spill the tea" I said excitedly

"So you know how I been telling you that I'm just getting fat?" She said nervously while biting her lip.

"Yeahhhh" I dragged.

"Well....I lied" she mumbled while pulling out pregnancy tests.

"Girlllll, you're a senior and school hasn't even started yet

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"Girlllll, you're a senior and school hasn't even started yet. What're you going to do???" I asked shocked.

This was my best friend and she had been lying to me. I just want to know why though because she can come to me about anything and I do the same.

"I don't know yet" she mumbled once again.

"How many months are you?" I asked confused.

"4...." she mumbled again.

"Girl open your mouth, you already said it now" I semi yelled at her. "And have you told your parents yet? I asked.

"Yes and they were furious, but they said I now have responsibilities and I have to get a job" she finally spoke up.

"Wait so who's the daddy?" I asked while raising a brow.

"Well...." she started but my phone rang and cut her off.

"Hold on its Devon" I told her

>> Hold on. I'll call you later.
Zaddy💦🥵: Why? Tf?
>> I'm busy hold on
Zaddy💦🥵: Busy doin what foo?
                                                         read 7:15pm
Zaddy💦🥵: Ok whatever bruh. You betta not have no nigga in my house 🙄
>> ain't nobody in yo house bruh, Rissa here.
Zaddy💦🥵: Wtf! Why tf she there bruh??? Wtf y'all talking bout dude🤬
>> bye devon😒
                                                        read 7:20pm
When I finally looked up from my phone, Rissa was gone. I then went down stairs and she wasn't there either, I even called her phone. Still no answer. I guess I'll call Devon back then.

*phone is dialing*
Devon: Man what you want?
Me: I was just returning your call & why you all mad and shi?
Devon: Because dude you ain't telling me nothing.
Me: Nothing like what?
Devon: What you and Clarissa was talking about.
Me: Why does it matter to you so much?
Devon: I just want to make sure y'all straight?

I suddenly hear a knock at the door.

Me: yeah we good, hold on. Somebody at the door baby.
Devon: Ight

I went downstairs to see standing there, my big brother Melvin.

Me: hold on bae, my brother here ima call you back.
Devon: ok

"Lil sis, what's good" he said walking into my house with a hand full of cash.

"Lil sis, what's good" he said walking into my house with a hand full of cash

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"Yo bro I missed you" I said while crying a little.

"Stop all that cryin slime" he said while laughing.

"I just miss you" I told him.

"I missed you too and that Rissa guh. Where she at?" He asked.

"She just left here actually, she told me she was pregnant" I said carelessly.

"She what?!" He yelled while running out my house.

I don't get why everyone is acting so weird about her. I'm going to bed. This is all too much right now.

*Sorry if it's too short or boring 😭😬*

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