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Me and Clarissa were hiding behind the bushes waiting for Kentrell and Kehlani to pull up

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Me and Clarissa were hiding behind the bushes waiting for Kentrell and Kehlani to pull up. We didn't know what happened here because it all happened so fast. It wasn't what we intentionally had planned, but it was better actually. The idea of setting the house on fire was amazing.............until Kehlani and her lil boyfriend pulled up and they hopped out the car.

"I SEE YOU IN THE BUSHES SO COME OUT NOWWW!!" She yelled to the top of her lungs while crying. When Kehlani is mad or frustrated she cries out of anger.

"AFTER ALL YOU PUT ME THROUGH AND EVERYTHING I SAVED YOU FROM, YOU WANNA COME BURN MY MF HOUSE DOWN....." She continued while pointing her nails into my chest.


"Getcho girl man" I said stepping to Kentrell.

"Mane get the fuxk out my face fo I show you sum fire on sum real shi my nigga" he responded with no remorse.

"Man fuxk you" I told him.

"You really wanna say that shi again?" He asked while pulling his gun out putting it on my chest.

"We didn't even do it, but whatever" I said grabbing Clarissa and we left.

I was too shocked to do anything. Why did they do this? What did I do to deserve this? Has it really gotten this bad? I don't know what to think anymore.

"Come on you just gon live with me and I'll take you down to the police station tomorrow so you can file a report and I'll take you to the insurance company too" Kentrell told me as I got into my Mercedes Jeep and he got into his Charger to drive back to his house.

About 20 minutes later.......

I pulled up to Kentrell's house with him trailing behind me. And he had the nerve to talk about the size of my house.

He came and got me out the car and held me as we walked into the house together

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He came and got me out the car and held me as we walked into the house together. I had a blank stare the whole time from when we left what use to be my house & now even here. Everyone was in the living eyeing us as he walked me upstairs to his room.

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