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 "Because I'm in love with you," My gay ass blurts out instead of anything else I could have said.

"Oh," I wait, but that seems to be all that Alex can manage to say, so without thinking, I turn and run, sprinting away from my best friend into my small apartment. I don't bother turning on my light when I enter my run, but curl up in my corner by my closet. I pull my knees to my chest and try to keep myself from crying, but I've never been one of those guys that could hold back tears. I rest my head on my knees, hoping that if I curl up into a small enough ball he won't see me. I'm thin enough, it might work.

Alex knocks on the door before opening it, letting a touch of light into the dark room. He's always been my light, through the terror of coming out, starting college, heartbreaks, he's always been here to shine a light on me, but I just fucked that up. "Devin, are you here?" He already sounds annoyed. I squish myself further into the corner. "Come on, I don't have time to play," the words make me sound childish and immature, but I don't really care it's not like he's ever going to talk to me again. "Devin," His voice strains as he speaks "please be reasonable," I almost break my silence to laugh. He is always trying to get me to be reasonable. For someone who is only one year older than me, he sure makes me feel young. "The curfew at the frat is in 15 minutes, I'm supposed to check the freshman tonight"

"Then leave," I growl into the empty space. He's so concerned with his damn frat house, ever since he became VP he's hardly done anything but talk about it. I was lucky to even get him to come over tonight.

"I'm not leaving with you this upset," He snips.

"Then you'll be here a while." I reply. Alex fully enters the room and using his phone as a light makes his way towards me. He reaches the spot in front of me and sits down as his phone rings.

"Yeah, I know I should be back. Cover for me? --I'll get your shifts next week. --Yeah, something came up, dude. --How about you shut up and mind your own business." He growls to his friend before hanging up. I ignore whatever it was they were talking about, the guy probably assumed Alex was getting some, it wouldn't be so out of character.

Alex puts the phone down and looks back to me "Happy, Devin, now I have all night." I turn away from him, but he places his hands on my knees and speaks softly "Now, what's wrong?"

I slowly turn my head up to him, there are a lot of things I could say in this moment. I could be honest, I could tell I'm upset with his response, I could be an adult. Instead I say "I thought you wanted me to be reasonable"

Alex sighs "Feelings are never reasonable, are they? And now that I don't have to go yell at freshman, I can take the time to sort through those feelings."

"Sort through? Like I didn't say it loud enough the first time?" I blurt. Alex has still yet to respond, to even comment.

"Dev, I mean-" He sighs and rubs the back of his head the small amount of light from the open door allows me to see the stress on his face. He moves to continue, but I don't let him.

"I get it-" I start "You don't feel the same way. I knew you wouldn't, that's why I haven't said anything before. You're straight and I'm sorry, I know I need to respect that, and I'm trying-" I stop and refocus myself "You really don't have to tell me and make it hurt all over again, you can just go home and never talk to me again." I look into his eyes for a moment before burying my head back in my knees and wait for him to leave. I can hear his steps already, the slight click of my door as he leaves me alone to cry, the start of his car while he goes through losing his best friend because I fell for him. Instead, he just sits there and holds onto my knees.

"What if I'm not" He whispers.

"Not what?" I groan. I'm done with this conversation, done with the small hope that is not going to die until he leaves. Done with prolonging the pain.

"Straight," My head shoots up at that word and I search his eyes. I can't see them very well, but he's not joking. This isn't some sick joke to mess with me, not that he's ever been the kind of guy to mock me for being gay.

"Don't even try to tell me you're gay," I say slowly from the mess I am in front of him.

"There are other sexualities besides straight and gay," He comments.

"And when did you discover this? When you were fucking girls every weekend? Where the hell is this coming from, Alex?" I know I should be supportive right now. I do, but I can't be. "I have known you for 9 years, you have a new girl on your arm every week, if they're around that long."

"Devin, I know this is a lot," I can hear his irritation "but did you ever think that maybe, just maybe I didn't keep a girl around because it never felt-" He waves his arms around slighty, unable to find the correct word and my heart stops. Alex is the kind of guy who calculates every word, he makes his sentences perfectly, for him to pause and recalculate his sentence happens often, for him to not be able to finish one, has never happened.

I stand up and run my hand through the half of my hair that isn't shaved. "I need a drink," I say leaving my room.

I enter my kitchen and pour a glass of vodka with a couple cherries in it. I finish it and pour another quickly before leaning on the counter. I embrace the warmth the alcohol gives me because I know Alex will probably leave once he sees I'm drinking. He always does, drinking isn't reasonable and so he leaves me with my only true friend.

Alex enters the kitchen with a slightly red looking face. "I'm drinking, don't you want to leave," sometimes I wish I could turn the sass off. He glares at me and grabs the bottle, pouring him a shot glass and even though it's my first time seeing him drink, ever, he doesn't make a face when he downs a shot, surprised I sip on my drink.

"I know it's hard for you to believe me," he sounds a bit frustrated "It seems unlikely, I know, but" he pauses and takes another shot "Devin, I know I jump from girl to girl, but I've just been trying to figure this all out. What it even means. I've only mentioned the idea to one other person, I haven't even said it out loud. That I'm" He pauses and looks into my eyes, I can see the shaking of his, the slight gap between his lips as he struggles to say the word "Bisexual," He takes another shot and a deep breath, looking away from me.

"I tried to ignore it, to drown it out by sleeping with more and more women, but you're the one thing I can't drown out, Devin."

"Me?" I whisper softly.

"Clue number one was the first time I wanted to kiss you and that thought has never stopped." he chuckles "That desire has only grown"

"And you haven't yet?" I feel the words escape my lips and he turns to me, his face in shock. "Boy, I told you less than an hour ago I was in love with you." His face reddens and god I could get used to that sight, I don't know if I've ever seen Alex flustered before.

It takes him a second, but he regains himself and smiles at me. "It would be a reasonable thing to do, wouldn't it," I roll my eyes and grab his shirt, pulling him to me and placing his lips on mine. I feel his strong hands grab my waist and place my body against him. I pull back gently and place my forehead against his. "Wow" he whispers

"Wow is right," I reply quietly. 

Love, Passion, and Romance: a one shot collectionWhere stories live. Discover now