College Party

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   I think we all know by now my titles are shit. Sorry

"Fancy meeting you here," Nick says sitting down at my table for two. I chuckle lightly because we're at the campus Starbucks that we meet at twice a week, though not usually on Fridays. "So what have you been up to lately?" He asks like he doesn't know, but he does, we just talked yesterday and besides that, I've been here for two years and I've hardly changed my routine. I have work most nights, class, and plenty of homework. I don't do much else. 

"I just finished a paper," I say closing my laptop "I'm actually about to go do some laundry, once my coffee's done," Nick frowns at me.

"It's Friday and your plans are laundry?" I nod my head, he should have known. Unlike him, I don't care for partying. He convinced me to go to one last year and it was awful. A guy puked on me ten minutes in. I am perfectly happy staying at home and cleaning. "Can I convince you to come just this once. I promise it won't be like last time." He says with a cheesy smile. I think about it for a moment. I've known Nick for a long time, he wouldn't take me somewhere dangerous, but until I started college we had drifted apart. He was always more of my brother's friend. I look at him pleading and finally agree. "Great," He says "I'll pick you up at 10," He flies out of the shop just before my coffee is called. I don't know why my heart is beating so fast, the way he said it just feels, date-ish. 

Nick takes me to a house party a bit out of the way. It was hardly ten-thirty and people were already drunk. There were people pouring out of the house and I was already anxious about the crowd. Inside it was more packed than I thought possible and it smelled of spilled cheap beer. I had Nick's hand until someone shoved into me and I lost him as I was shoved out the back door. Out here there's enough room to re-enstate my personal bubble but it comes with a heavy smell of weed. That is until someone grabs my ass. I spin around to a guy that was barely standing. It takes a lot for me not to punch him.

"Hey, sweet thing," He says as his beer is swaying everywhere. "How about a kiss?" he asks moving his hand towards me dumping his beer onto my clothing. I push him away and walk back into the house. As I try to find somewhere to sit, I lose count of how many people's hands are on me, on purpose or not, beers spilled on me, and times I've straight up shoved. 

I make it out of the front door just to run into another person. I look p to apologize, but of course, it's Nick. "I can not believe you brought me here," I yell at him, but he just smiles. I roll my eyes at him and hold out my hand.

"What?" He asks.

"The keys," I demand.

"I'm not giving you my car keys," He says simply.

"I'm going home," I tell him. 

"You're not taking my car." He replies trying to sound kind. I run my fingers through my hair as I listen to him "I think we should go to another party." he comments, is he serious right now? 

"Another party?" I ask and he just nods "I have been pushed, shoved, groped, hit on by a sloppy drunk, and I have so much beer spilled on me I could be a keg. I'm going home. I need a shower, a new shirt, and sleep." He looks at me pondering something and eventually agrees.

"Okay, let's go get you that shower" I sigh relieved at those words. He offers me his arm and we walk to his car. 

I doze out as he drives and he parks in the back of a tall apartment building downtown." This isn't my apartment building," I tell him, but he gets out anyways. 

 "I know," he says opening my door and offering me his hand. Hesitantly, I take it. 

"You said you were taking me home,"

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