
18 3 0

Dry grass
Grows in clumps
Ankle deep

A low hill
Dusted with snow
On it, a wall

Crumbling bits of tar
And a half rotten tile
Gather sun on their edges
Barricading themselves
In a circle of sick green

The other side is a basin
Brick mortar falling from its curves
As it stares into the cold

The grass-snow crackles underfoot
For a moment like live coals
Snapping in a great hot hearth


A dead rusted can
Hangs by one nail
Silent and quivering

Chalk marks show
From a wooden beam that leans

The words too faded
Too worn
Too heavy with age

The sun lowers
Glinting off metal
And ice
A parody of sparks

At the barest touch
The can gives way
Tin on brick
Not hammer on steel

Not yet

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