Chapter 11 - Unstable

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Chris carefully scrubbed the dirt off my body while I heaved an exhausted sigh. We were both in the bathtub, it should be romantic instead that was not the case. Tonight had really shaken me up and surfaced some horrific memories I had been desperately trying to suppress over the years. 

In spite of this, I was more than grateful for being blessed with a caring husband. He held my frail frame from behind, pressing his strong body against me.

"God, I love you so much," he murmured seductively, relaxing my tensed muscles. "More than anything this world has to offer. I'm sorry I don't show it as much as I should or be the husband you rightfully deserve."

"Please take a day off work tomorrow. I need you here," I pleaded urgently, hoping he would prioritise me over his firm.

"Of course, baby. I'd do anything for you," he pecked my lips in a comforting manner. Overcome by relief and desire, I passionately kissed him as though it were our last day on Earth.

"Baby..." He whispered sensually as I straddled him. 

His hot tongue and stiff body gave the assurance I needed – he wanted me as much as I wanted him. We made tender love in the bathtub, his moans conveyed a compelling message of desire while I pleasured him. 

My body hurt everywhere due to the injuries sustained and I knew I was exhausting myself, but it didn't matter. I pushed through the pain and welcomed pleasure, my head slanting backwards as I gasped profusely.

No, I can never and will never forget the horrendous sight I had witnessed tonight. That said, I couldn't change what had happened and if I continued obsessing over it, I would only drift further to insanity. Chris' love was a great distraction and helped me temporarily repress those dark thoughts.

– – – CHRIS – – –

Damn it! My mind spun in circles as I watched Nat toss and turn in bed, clearly fighting a nightmare. It killed me to see her in such affliction. The concept of her relapsing was terrifying. What was I supposed to do to prevent it?

I recall three months into the beginning of our relationship when I would childishly chase her around the house and pull her into a tight hug, skilfully trapping her in my bedroom. She did it on purpose as an excuse for us to be alone. Sneaky baby.

"Finally caught up to me, huh, big guy?" She giggled, wrapping her slender arms around my waist. I lifted her up in my arms, so that I could gaze into her beautiful taupe eyes. Gently kissing her lips, I gradually levelled her down to the floor.

"You're so freaking cute, babe."

"I know right, I'm quite the snack," she retorted cockily as I released a chuckle.

"I have something I really need to tell you," I coughed out nervously, my body anxiously trembled. She stared back at me inquisitively, one hand resting on her chin in a thinking pose. 

"I-I'm... Uh..." I took a deep breath, putting all my energy into getting the next words out effectively. "I'm madly in love with you, Natalya. I know it's soon, but you don't have to say anything. I don't want to rush you." Her eyes were widened in sheer shock, an awkward silence filled the atmosphere. 

A few minutes passed by and she stayed in the exact same unflinching position. I don't even think she was breathing. "Okay, this is embarrassing as shit," I concluded, feeling somewhat dispirited. She still wasn't moving or saying anything, I felt like a massive fool. 

"Okay, let's play truth or dare..." She raised an eyebrow sceptically while I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "I dare myself to run away like a fucking coward. Ready, go!" Just as I turned around to bolt the fuck out of my room, she uttered my name softly.

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