Chapter 14 - Surprise!

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My jaw dropped, gawking at the licentious women in skimpy outfits as they grinded and swirled on their poles. Lewd men threw money at the dancers' unclad display, along with slapping the their asses whenever opportunity struck. I wasn't used to seeing this level of nudity and vulgarity.

"You brought me to a freaking strip club?" I shouted at Noah in bewilderment, glancing towards one of the women flaunting their exposed body parts. "Have you lost your fucking mind?" He scoffed in retaliation as I persisted to scold him. "Why the hell would you bring me to a bloody strip club?" He snorted, avoiding eye contact. "In what messed up universe would I have thought that this was actually a good idea?"

"Would ya stop being so narrowminded?" He jeered whilst repeatedly tapping his foot in agitation.

"God, I knew it was a terrible decision to go anywhere with you again."

"Why did you then?" He questioned with a sneer.

"I don't know! The thought of you taking me to watch naked women and sleazy men hadn't cross my mind."

"Give it a chance, will ya?" I huffed at his ridiculous advice. "Trust me, it ain't all about plastic boobies and throbbing dicks here." Eww, did he just say what I think he said? "There are some fun stuff we can do." He produced a sly grin, possibly filling his mind with dirty scenarios.

"That isn't sexual related?" I prompted, raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah, whatever." He swivelled around and absorbed the view. "See, doesn't this have a great atmosphere?"

"Cosy" I rolled my eyes, glancing at a few men who were doing body shots off of a stripper's stomach and chest.

"Wait until the real fun begins." He beamed, pulling out a cigarette from his pockets.

"Oh, goody."

"I'm gonna go talk to a couple of acquaintances," he casually divulged, pressing the cigarette bud between his lips. "Try to relax and get a drink." He lit the tobacco tip and took a few extended puffs. "I'll come find ya in a few," he assured while exhaling the toxic smoke from his lungs.

"Whatever," I bluntly dismissed him, annoyed at the fact that I was brought to this shithole and now he is ditching me to screw a few strippers in the contaminated toilets, I presume.

"I won't be long, love." He nonchalantly pecked my cheek. My nose scrunched up at the lingering scent of his smoky breath. The odour was rather revolting.

He left to the other side of the room, disappearing in a crowd of rowdy men. This was a total disaster. Sure, Noah is comfortable with this booty enterprise. But I'm here feeling completely out of place and contemplating making a run for the exit – except for one minor detail... Noah has my freaking car keys! 

I would have preferred staying home and watch trashy tv shows. Maybe even have a chat with Chris about what I saw at his office and be a normal adult. Anger was rising at full speed just thinking about that bitch and how she was all over him like a hound. Was he really enjoying it? I pondered feverishly. My head began to pulsate erratically. It were as if someone was digging needles into my scalp repeatedly.

My phone wouldn't stop vibrating either, its sound was annoying the hell out of me. I quickly yanked it out of my bag and stared at the screen. Thirty-five missed calls and twenty-eight voicemails from Chris. His caller ID photo captured my attention. A lump formed in my throat as I attempted to hold back the tears threatening to escape. 

It was the day Chris had proposed to me beside an ancient cherry blossom tree. I was spoiled rotten with his romantic gestures and treated like I was the only woman he had ever loved. After witnessing that flirtatious scene in his office, my head hammered in agony and so did my heart. Today, I lost all touch with the reality I had created with him.

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