Chapter 19 - Not Your Toy

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It took a few moments for the shock to wear off and to comprehend that his seedy hand had cupped my entire breast.

What the hell does this sleazy asshat think he is doing?!

My face contorted into a deep frown, though his lips curved into a cheeky grin. How typical of him to have been awake this whole time, intentionally toying with me for his own personal recreation.

With a vengeful kick, I sent Noah's heavy build tumbling off the bed and colliding into the hard floor. He groaned in pain, propelling his aching body to rest on its back. His incredible sculpted muscles flexed whilst he blew out a long breath.

"Was that fucking necessary?" He grumbled, placing a hand under his head for support.

"Serves you right, sicko," I hissed in contempt.

"Come on, love. I've done a lot more to you than grab a boob and you enjoyed every fucking minute of it," he bragged with an unbearably cocky smile.

Great, this is my karma for actually believing I could use Noah Watson as a distraction.

Succumb by resentment for not only him, but myself, I climbed out of his bed and strode towards the door.

"Wait, that's it?" He scoffed, seeming peeved by my abrupt lack of interest to stay.

"I only suggested a movie, nothing else."

His expression morphed into one which was impassive, until he expertly performed a kip-up without using his hands and his usual conceited expression reappeared.

How the hell did he do that?! It was very impressive and effortless. An experienced dancer or fighter would have to train excessively and develop the right power, flexibility, or whatnot. But Noah glided in the air as if it were nothing... That was really perplexing.

He bore a smug grin upon noticing my gaping mouth and eyes of bewilderment, inflating his already overbearing ego. In a flash, his large figure towered over me, invoking my heart to accelerate rapidly as I soaked in his burning gaze.

"I thought you might reward me tonight for my... Good behaviour," he purred beside my ear, his warm breath caused my skin to tingle with heat.

I felt paralysed staring into his violet irises, as if a cobra was charming me into a profound daze. His musky cologne filled my nostrils, a scent so sweet and intoxicating. I floundered to think properly, his close proximity and strong presence limited all rationale thoughts.

Not to mention, he plastered wet fiery kisses against my forehead, invoking my breath to hitch at the feel of his cold lips.

He undeniably had an overpowering aura which could tranquilize anyone standing in front of him. It drew my naivety in like a wolf would its vulnerable prey, making my treacherous body disobey mind and soul. His index finger slid under my chin, slightly tilting it up to recapture his fervent gaze.

"Natalya..." He drawled out huskily, using his thumb to caress my bottom lip.

I had to knock some sense into my clouded mind and leave before I made yet another mistake with him.

"I-I have to go," I stammered in a squeaky tone, staggering out of the door. Noah stood rigid, his sharp and stony eyes watched intently as I scurried out of sight.

I retreated to the safest place in our house - the bedroom. Clutching onto my pounding heart, I nearly squealed when a large hand enveloped my shoulder.

"You okay, baby?" Chris asked sincerely, slinging his other arm around my hips.

"Hun, I didn't see you there," I responded calmly, attempting to mask an uneasy distress.

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