Chapter 7: I Heard Something I Shouldn't Have (Feb.)

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Noah's Sunday seemed to have complicated his life more than he was expecting.

Aside from getting caught sneaking in by his father Scott. Noah wasn't sure how he would let his friends know about him and Shade Mikhail especially since Damien was so adamant about him staying away from the pale boy.

The constant pestering of his subconscious led him to search up more information about Carriers and Seeds which landed him in the house garage searching through old photo albums and medical records until he found something that made his heart stop beating for a moment.

But time didn't stop and Monday rolled around and Noah had to attend classes. He was feeling awkward and worried at the same time. He felt awkward about his one-night stand with Shade turning into a relationship hours later, Noah wasn't sure what he should do. But he was also worried about what he found Sunday evening in his parents garage. He wanted to skip school so badly, but he knew that would only end with a phone call home alerting his parents of his sudden absence from school.

As he pulled up into Westwood's parking lot the white Porsche caught his attention followed by the black Audi parked a couple spaces away. For some reason Noah felt like he was betraying Damien's friendship by dating Shade but he didn't dwell on that thought for too long. He parked his car and made his way to the entrance of the school where he saw Shade standing and scrolling through something on his phone, he looked relaxed against the wall waiting for Noah. He wore a gray zip up jacket that covered his neck and dark blue jeans and black boots. It was obvious he was waiting for Noah seeing as he's never waited near the entrance before, not even for May which he usually hung out with.

The closer Noah got to Shade the easier it was to see the red marks that peeked up from under his jacket. Blood rushed to Noah's head as he cleared his throat to get Shade's attention.

"Hey..." Shade said, putting his phone into his pocket, "cute turtle neck." He commented with a smirk on his face.

Noah felt like his head would explode with the embarrassment he was feeling. Noah could feel eyes on him and Shade as students passed by noticing them together then whispering to each other. Shade realizing the uncomfortable aura radiating off the small boy he asked Noah to follow him somewhere less crowded.

The two stood in an empty classroom that honestly looked like it was abandoned. There was dust everywhere and the blinds looked to be rusted at the joints, the classroom was on a side of Westwood that many didn't come through. So, it was the perfect location away from prying eyes and nosey ears.

"Are you okay?"

The question caught Noah off guard. Was he okay? His hips felt sore and his neck ached a bit but other than that he felt fine. He just couldn't shake this bad feeling he kept getting, like something bad was going to happen but it was too far away to see yet so close it was on the tip of his tongue.

"Yeah." He said feeling the air move as Shade got closer to him.

"You don't seem okay." Shade said after a moment of silence.

"I don't know," Noah admitted, "I feel like something is going to happen."

Shade raised a brow at the statement. "Are you talking about Damien?" he asked, "You don't have to tell him anything, I'm fine being your little secret."

"It's not that." Noah replied, becoming unreadable to Shade. It was so strange to Shade that someone who came off as simple and childish as Noah seemed so hard to understand. At the party Noah stared him down the moment he saw him, then when they were alone he wanted to play strip tease truth or dare. Noah instigated the whole thing mostly while Shade played along until he got interested too. Then after sleeping together Noah complained about not wanting to be a one-night stand and then complained about not wanting to jump into a relationship with a stranger only to accept Shade's proposal hours later.

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