Chapter 8: 10 Days (Feb.)

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It had been about a week and a half after Noah told Shade the truth about the situation they may or may not be in. Noah felt more at ease, well as at ease as a possible pregnancy could bring. Shade told Noah that if he was a carrier and was pregnant he probably wouldn't start seriously showing until after graduation. Summer would be here soon and graduation was only 3 months away. Noah honestly thought he could keep the whole possible pregnancy under wraps without telling soul.

Spring break was fast approaching and Noah was trying to figure out if he should stay in Westwood or go visit his friends and family up north. But he knew they wouldn't have their spring break until the week after his break started meaning he'd be alone for most of the day waiting for school to let out.

Noah wanted to tell Damien and the others about Shade but he felt like he should figure out if he was a carrier before telling them anything. It would be strange if he's walking around swollen and everyone is confused as to how it even occurred or when.

Noah was internally panicking as he sat quietly in Shade's Porsche. Shade suggested they buy a pregnancy test to see if Noah really was carrying his child or not. Noah watched from the window as Shade headed towards the back of the convenience store. After a couple minutes Shade returned to the front with a couple different boxes of various sizes.

Inside the store Shade placed the various pregnancy tests at the register, the woman working the register raised a brow at the products than at Shade. Shade looked at the nosey woman in boredom as she scanned his items. Before he walked out Shade asked, "Would these work on a carrier?"

The woman looked perplexed at the question before realizing what he was asking. She squinted her eyes a bit and it was obvious she was disgusted but Shade kept a straight face. There were homophobes in Westwood and there were definitely people who hated carriers and seeds. The woman stared at Shade before replying, "The box should let you know." And she quickly left the register to "restock" on items.

Shade shrugged his shoulders and headed for his car. Noah watched Shade as he got into the driver's seat. Shade handed Noah the bag of tests.

"Geez Shade, why'd you buy so many and what happened in there?" he said.

Shade reversed out the lot and drove away. He sighed as he got further and further from the store quietly thanking himself for choosing a store far out in the boonies of Westwood.

Noah counted six different pregnancy tests all with conflicting information. Some said to wait five days before taking the test and others said to wait ten days before taking the test. Shade bought regular tests and digital tests, some tests came with two inside.

"We need to make sure if you're pregnant it's for real." Shade said, "Plus having extras is always a good idea." He mumbled.

Noah felt another box in the bag, it was about the same size as some of the pregnancy tests. Noah pulled out the box and gave Shade a deadpan look as he held the box. "Seriously Shade?" he asked, feeling his face heat up.

Shade tried to contain his smirk as he quickly glanced at Noah, "What? Just thinking of the future here Noah." He said slyly.

"If I'm pregnant, condoms won't be necessary." Noah said without thinking.

Shade's brows rose in surprise, "So you're saying we don't need the condoms?"

If Noah's head could explode it probably would, "I- Wha-" He stuttered, "I'm just saying we don't need it now."

Shade nodded. "That's true, if you're already pregnant what's a little more sperm to you."

"Shade!" Noah shrieked.

Shade couldn't contain his laughter at Noah's reaction. It's been a while since someone was able to make Shade laugh and knowing that Noah was the one that made it happen made it better.

Shade dropped Noah off at home before heading home himself. Noah said he'd wait ten days before taking any of the tests. That way the test answers would vary by much. Noah headed inside and made a bee line for his room. He quickly found a spot to hide all the tests before flopping down on his bed.

While staring at the ceiling in thought Noah couldn't help but rub his stomach. He felt different. Yeah, he was freaking out about being a guy and having a baby but for some reason he was a lot calmer than he felt most guys would be in this situation. Maybe it was because Shade wasn't freaking out. When Noah told Shade about possibly being pregnant Shade rubbed his stomach, and even though it was probably something he wasn't thinking about to Noah it meant a lot to him. He felt supported. Something he felt he wouldn't feel if he told his friends and family, except Adrian. Adrian would probably support him, probably out of sheer confusion of the situation.

Noah fell asleep with his hand on his stomach and a small smile on his face.

Noah woke up hours later to his mother yelling for everyone to come downstairs for dinner. Hearing the mention of dinner had Noah's stomach rumbling with hunger. He felt absolutely starved. Noah made his way downstairs and into the dining room where his father sat with Adrian and Rose in her high chair. Sheila was bringing out the rest of the food when Noah sat.

It had been almost two weeks since the party incident and Noah still never told his father what really happened nor has his father ever brought it up. But even so, it was still awkward between the two and it was obvious every time they had their weekly dinners. Sheila ignored the tense air not wanting to get between Scott and Noah's little spat.

During dinner everyone spoke about their days, Scott talked about work and how much he loved it. Sheila who currently didn't work talked about Rose and how she was thriving. Adrian talked about how he had a group project to do and would be sleeping at a friend's house on the weekend to finish it up. Rose babbled and screamed her input every so often. Noah on the other hand was silently inhaling his food as he observed his family.

"Noah honey, slow down or you'll choke on your food." Sheila said as the boy finished his plate of food and was reaching to get seconds.

"You're eating like mom doesn't feed you." Adrian snorted as he scooped some peas from his plate and put them on Rose's.

"Adrian, eat your peas." Scott said, catching Adrian in the act.

"I'm just hungry is all." Noah said.

"Okay, well slow down." Sheila responded.

Dinner finally ended and Noah was stuffed. He ate two plates and a half to the surprise of his family. Noah was making his way upstairs when he broke out in a cold sweat. His mouth was suddenly dry and his stomach lurched forward. As fast as he could Noah ran up to his room and into the shared bathroom he had with Adrian, he didn't have time to stop and lock the door as dinner was rushing up for an encore. Noah kneeled on the floor in front of the toilet releasing everything he had just eaten minutes ago.

Tears streamed down his face as his throat burned and his stomach clenched painfully. Through the noise of his vomiting he could hear the thuds of his mother and father rushing up the stairs into the bathroom. Sheila kneeled beside him rubbing his back while she asked Scott to get Noah a glass of water. She continued rubbing his back while telling him to pace himself next time.

After vomiting the rest of dinner Noah sat sobbing over the toilet bowl. Adrian stood at the entrance of the bathroom with Rose looking worried seeing his older brother shaking and crying while Scott and Sheila tried to calm him down.

Noah felt utterly terrified. He wanted Shade. He didn't want his parents seeing him the way he was. He didn't want Adrian or Rose seeing him the way he was.

Noah knew he couldn't wait 10 days, he needed to take the test on the weekend, he needed to know.

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