Chapter 9: I Can't Pee on Command (Feb.)

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After what happened during dinner Sheila and Scott were both worried about Noah.

The episode he had took a lot out of the small boy and he stayed in bed that Friday. Sheila checked on him every so often asking if he needed anything or if he wanted company. Noah felt like complete shit. After vomiting Thursday night, he rushed into the bathroom Friday morning to vomit some more. He already knew what was going on but he wanted to be positive. He didn't want what was happening to him to be some sick placebo effect caused by his mind trying to trick him into thinking he was pregnant.

He said before he would wait until Saturday to take the pregnancy test but he got a text from Shade asking why he was absent from school and chose to do it today. He shot Shade a quick text asking the boy to come over to his house since school was over.

Within 30 minutes he heard the doorbell ring and his mother answer the front door.

Downstairs Sheila was greeted by a tall fair skinned boy with mercury colored eyes. "How can I help you?" She asked, giving Shade a quick once over.

"I'm here to see Noah ma'am." Shade answered politely, noticing the small woman carrying a child on her hip.

"Noah is sick..." Sheila responded, "You can visit him when he's better." She prepared to close the door when Shade quickly spoke.

"He texted me to come over," he said, "it's important." He added.

Sheila stared at the boy for a moment longer before stepping aside and allowing Shade into the home. Rose babbled loudly at the new visitor and Sheila led him upstairs towards Noah's room. Shade stood outside Noah's door and knocked softly. Sheila stood down the hall watching Shade as he waited.

Noah opened his room door slowly allowing Shade to enter his room. They both stayed quiet for a moment as they listened to Sheila descend the stairs. When he was sure she was gone Noah threw his arms around the tall boy's neck into a hug. Shade had gotten used to Noah's sudden moments of affection and hugged him back.

"Are you okay?" Shade asked, it was a question he seemed to be using more often than not with Noah.

"Let's take the test." Noah said going to the spot where he hid all the pregnancy tests.

"I thought we were waiting 10 days." Shade said as he watched the smaller boy walk past him into the bathroom that was connected to his room. He saw another door on the other side of the bathroom that was slightly open revealing another bedroom behind it.

Shade walked into the bathroom behind Noah.

"Yeah, I know," Noah said, "But last night and this morning I puked up my whole gut."

Noah tore open the boxes holding the pregnancy tests and neatly lined up each test from smallest to largest. Shade put the seat of the toilet down and sat on it as he watched Noah read over the instructions for the first test.

"Okay." He said confidently, "I need to pee on these." He said looking at Shade.

"I hope you mean one by one." Shade said genuinely thinking Noah would attempt to pee on them all at once.

"Obviously." Noah said. "Now move so I can pee on this test."

Shade did as he was told and leaned on the door frame watching Noah pull his pants down and wait. A minute passed and nothing happened.

"Stand outside, I can't pee with you watching." Noah said to Shade who rolled his eyes.

Another minute passed and complete silence.

"You know-" Shade started.

"Shush." Noah hissed. After another two minutes of no peeing Noah groaned. "I can't pee on command."

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