Chapter 10: They Need to Know (Mar.)

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About a week had passed since Noah and Shade both confirmed Noah's pregnancy.

Shade regularly visited Noah at his home telling Sheila and Scott that he was there to hang out. Noah stayed home from school for the following Monday but returned to school Tuesday since it was only a couple more days until spring break. Noah felt it was time he finally told his friends of the secret he had been holding onto since February.

At school during lunch Noah asked that Damien, Nico, Ivy, Demarcus and Melissa come over to his house that afternoon. What they didn't know was that Shade had also been invited but that was a detail Noah felt wasn't necessary to tell them in the moment.

The girls agreed excited to meet the baby sister Noah often spoke of. Damien and Demarcus were more or less neutral with Demarcus letting Noah know he'd be a bit late since he had to take care of something after classes ended. Nico on the other hand stayed quiet. He'd overheard Noah and Shade a couple weeks earlier and kept the secret, he didn't even tell Damien about the situation. Nico couldn't help but glance at Noah's stomach every time they were together expecting it to be bulging by now.

The rest of the school day went without issue. Noah returned home and warned his parents of the visitors he'll be having soon to which Sheila asked if they'd also be staying for dinner since Shade had done so a few times. Noah said some probably would depending on how long they decided to stay.

Upstairs in his room Noah paced back and forth nervously as he rubbed his stomach, a habit he seemed to pick up a little while ago since it seemed to calm him. Noah heard the doorbell ring and heard his mother yell that Shade had arrived. Noah simply went into his bathroom and removed his shirt. He could hear Shade's footfalls on the stairs as the tall boy made his way to Noah's room. Since he'd visited so often it didn't take long for Sheila or Scott to catch on to what Shade might be to their son, but Noah never confirmed anything so they silently supported him until he was ready.

Shade walked into Noah's room like he owned the place dropping his backpack on the ground and immediately heading for Noah's bed. Shade kicked off his shoes and observed Noah who stood shirtless in front of his bathroom mirror. Shade held back a small smile as he watched the smaller boy attempt to extend his flat stomach as he tried to envision how he'd look with a little bump. Even though Noah probably didn't notice the slight change in his size, Shade certainly did. Shade noticed the boy's normally flat stomach had a slight barely detectable bump. Unable to hold his smile back any longer Shade got off the bed and went to where Noah stood. He placed a hand on Noah's tiny tummy and was slowly leaning down to kiss the boy when the doorbell rang, startling them both from the moment they were having.

Noah quickly put on his shirt and Shade dropped his smile as he went and plopped down onto Noah's bed waiting for the shit storm that was Damien and his gang of friends.

Making his way downstairs Noah was greeted with Melissa who was ignoring him to coo at Rose who giggled in his mother's arms, Ivy who was trying to be polite as she tried to focus on Noah and not Rose, hell even Damien was cooing at the small child while Nico seemed terrified of the little girl. Moments after their arrival another car pulled up and Demarcus made his way to the front porch asking why everyone was crowding the front entrance way.

Sheila offered them all drinks which they all agreed to and thanked her for. Sheila handed Noah little Rose before heading off to the kitchen. Rose babbled in Noah's arms drooling a bit as she grabbed at his face which earned him a collective 'aww" from his friends. Noah silently hoped his baby would be as cute and bubbly as Rose was with her bright hazel eyes and wild brown hair. When Sheila returned with everyone's drinks and Noah returned his excited sister to his mother they all made their way upstairs to Noah's room at a pace so slow Damien joked that Noah was still trying to figure out the layout of his own home.

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