I'm sorry

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Tae pov

I woke up as i smell my mom's pancakes which i love when she cooks

"thanks mom your the best "I said

"sweetheart I'll always cook for you and I always want you to stay healthy... ok " mom said

" i love you mom by the way where is dad? " I asked

" he said he had some business to take care of and by the way i have to get to work soon or I'll be late... i have a new case to take care of some girl who killed her boyfriend for cheating on her... huh... its really tiring humm" mom said

" okay don't stress to much okay and i also am working on some project so i wont be home too" I said

"okay bye honey love you " mom said

"okay mom bye "

Time skip —————— lazy ——————————-

After doing my project i headed home...when i went inside both of my parents were chatting and  I greeted them "hello mom... hi dad "

" welcome home son how was your day " dad asked

" it was good... by the way daniel is calling me so i have to take this okay" i said

"Okay honey "

I put my earphones on and started listening to 🎧 music and it was kind of loud what can i say i like loud music hehhe....okay so i was washing the dishes putting them in their places and well I haven't noticed that there were people behind me so after that i hear my mom cry and when i turn around it was horror in front of my face I didn't notice anything because of the loud music but i didn't like what i saw....my mom away from my dad crying silently.....my dad on his knees and a lot of men in black and wearing masks and pointing guns towards me, my mom and my dad i took my earphones away and i just stare i don't know what to do and I saw one guy was siting in the center of the sofa
and spoke....

"you never told me you had a son " he said

" after so long on being married " he continues .

" they have nothing to do with this leave them alone "dad said .

My mom was just crying i didn't know what to do..... i also didn't notice that i was crying too .

The man in the Centre got up and walked towards me and stopped in front of me...

"so beautiful ........... where is my drug " he turned to my father

" i dont have it right now.... its too risky i cant bring it right now " dad answered

" i gave you 10 days WHERE THE FUCK IS MY DRUG "he yelled to my father.... I flinched i was scared and my mom was just crying ....wait my dad is a drug dealer.....WAIT WHAT!!?

" mom. Dad what's he talking about " i was scared

" dad answer me " i cry

"ahh i see you didn't tell your son what you do ahh i see well babyboy daddy will tell you.... your father sells drugs and not only to me but to many more people lets just say a drug dealer "

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