Mine/ I love you

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Tae pov

Just when i was sitting on his lap and resting my head on his chest then the prison officers came signaling everyone that their break was over

I got up really fast but I kinda felt empty and wanted to stay like that longer. I liked the warmness but didn't know what to do so i just walked away fast.

I went to my cell and i was lucky my cellmates were girls and they were good to me so I greeted them....

"hello ...." the blonde one is lisa and there is jisoo,jennie and rose.

" hello tae...how was your day " rose asked me.

" ...... good ........" I responded

" oh honey are you not feeling well? cuz you don't look good.Did something happen you can tell us you know " lisa said

" yeah i know but I'm just feeling a little tired. I probably need some sleep " i said

"okay goodnight tae " they said " night " i said to them and went to sleep.

I went to sleep thinking about him. I don't know but he just seems to affect me and i feel protected when I'm with him.

He is really handsome but why does he want me....I mean he can have anyone he wants why me I'm just some kid who is really annoying and stupid,not enough and literally can't do anything right.

I fell asleep while thinking about him.

——————Next morning —————-

I woke up and wore my white pants that were loose and a white blouse.

I was wearing all white then the officers came and opened the doors and all the prisoners got out. It was 8am and we had time to shower till 10am.

So i went to the boys shower rooms and everyone was naked only covering their lower body and some were actually dressed. It was embarrassing and everyone just stared at me but i looked away avoiding their eyes then i notice some of jungkook's friends as well and i hope they dont notice me but my luck isn't on my side...one of them came and greeted me.

" hey Taehyung " he said

" h-hey " i stuttered...damn it why!?

" I'm kim seokjin but you can call me jin for short. I'm one of jungkook's friends and co-worker " he said

" o-oh nice to m-meet you...you can call me tae "i smile and he smiled as well. He had a motherly aura and i liked him. He took me to introduce me to his friends and i don't think he is bad....he's nice....I'm kinda scared to refuse too.

" hey guys you all know Taehyung right " jin huyng said...they all looked at me and smiled...

" heyyyyyyy Taehyung...I'm jimin" he was cheerful and friendly. He seemed excited to meet me and I liked him too.

" h-hi " i said

" ahh you're so adorable so small...Oh I'm hoseok also j-hope I'm your hope I'm your angel " I giggled at his cuteness

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